Primary School?

Igor Goldkind

Fri 10 Mar 2006, 09:59

Craig, I heartily recommend Charlbury Primary School especially under the auspices of it's new head Jane Holt.

My daughter has loved all of her teachers since she started reception,(she's currently in year 2) and we've watched her literally bloom academically at the school. The extracirricular activities are rich and diverse for this area; in year one the class had a Ugandan maskmaker and sculptor lead the class in a mask making workshop that was tremendous.

More importantly, I've observed teachers at the school deal with 'problem students' in an incredibly sensitive and patient manner.

I also like the way the school pulls in local community resources and parents to supplement their programme. The school offers excellent Spanish and Piano courses that wouldn't be in place save for the parent's participation and the school's cooperation.

As I've said elsewhere on this forum, my only criticims is the lack f a legal pelican crossing in front of the school across the busy Slade, which will inhibit our letting our daughter walk home on her own. I just don't think it's safe.

Apart from that, I find it a an open and academically condusive environment. My daughter would second that.

kate southey

Wed 8 Mar 2006, 11:54

I chose not to send my children to Charlbury, though that was a few years back now, and like Lizzie said, there is a new head now. My children go to Chadlington, which is also a short hop from Taston and is a WONDERFUL school, we've been thrilled with how well our children have settled there, one by one (we have 3) and how they are progressing.
From what I've heard Enstone is a great school too, and is always fully subscribed. I know someone who failed to get a place for her child there, because she wasn't from the catchment area, but I think in Taston that is your catchment school, so you shouldn't have a problem.

Elizabeth Watson

Tue 7 Mar 2006, 12:20

Well I've recently read the ofsted report and am hoping my 4 yr old will start there in September. It looks pretty good esp under the new head. However, I'm sure there are others on this board who've had children there who are better versed in answering your query?

Craig Richardson

Thu 2 Mar 2006, 20:58

I'm moving to Taston in April and wondering what the diverse views of the Primary School in the area are. We have always thought it essential to send our children to the local school, in our case it seems as if there are two virtually equidistant local schools, Enstone and Charlbury. Visits are arranged and already both seem to me to be friendly and approachable. I notice also both have very good ratings etc. One is quite small and one comparatively big. What else should I look for?

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