Chippy Sainsburys

Simon Walker

Fri 30 Mar 2012, 13:53

An out-of-centre supermarket would kill the independent shops in Chippy stone dead. Maybe not immediately, but they would wither away. Just like happened in Charlbury - even though 'out-of-town' in our context is Witney or, dare one say it, Chippy.

OK - the Co-op may be more expensive in terms of its prices than some other chains, but how much do you need to spend to get to one of the others in order to get their cheaper prices? The same can be said for our Co-op here in Charlbury - yes, it is more expensive than Sainsburys in Witney or Morrisons in Banbury, but work out how much it is really costing you to drive to either of those. Don't just use the petrol price (which is not going to come down to any significant extent), but add in the tax, insurance, servicing, depreciation, tyres and all the rest of the costs of running your car every mile.

Which all assumes, of course, that you actually have a car. An out-of-town supermarket is precious little use to those people who don't, and rely on being able to do their regular shopping in the town centre.

Chippy has a rare chance to keep its commercial centre alive. If you want to see what happens when a centre dies, go and have a look at Headington in Oxford. 25 years ago there were three butchers, two bakeries, two greengrocers, three DIY stores and even a jewellers that would handle any watch-repair challenge. Today, Headington boasts predominantly charity shops, estate agents and banks. It's too late there, and it's too late for Charlbury, but is that what we want to see in Chippy as well?

Lesley Algar

Fri 30 Mar 2012, 11:41

It would have been good to have another supermarket just outside Charlbury. The prices and quality of food in the Co op leaves a lot to be desired. It would force the co op to maybe bring their outrageous prices down. The co op is more expensive than Waitrose and some foods in Marks & Spencer.

glena chadwick

Fri 16 Mar 2012, 17:54

Totally agree Michele---Chippy has a good but fragile balance and needs defending. An out of town supermarket would have a very bad effect.

michele marietta

Fri 16 Mar 2012, 13:12

Research has shown (even the PR company hired by Sainsbury's references it) that a store located where the out-of-town Chippy store would be does not result in more people going INTO town. People go to the Superstore, do their shop, and go home. The small businesses in Chippy don't benefit in any way. They lose. And regardless of the choice available, large shops like Sainsbury's can't provide the know-how that small business owners can. Beadle's and Kench's are butcher shops, and the people there can actually answer questions about cuts of meat, cooking methods, and make suggestions. The untrained teens and other people behind the meat counters at superstores can't do that (try asking someone behind the Sainsbury's counter at Witney about the best cut of meat for a boeuf Bourguinon, or see if they've got pheasant, or venison, for sale?). And the Sainsbury's in Chippy doesn't mean jobs for Chippy residents. Again, most employees would come from areas other than Chippy. What exactly is it that you can't find at either of the two existing shops in Chippy? If you're looking for something that specialized, all you have to do is ask them to stock. The Co-op has always been helpful and responsive to requests like that. Save Chippy! Don't let it die.

Liz Leffman

Mon 12 Mar 2012, 19:19

I think that WODC did the right thing in turning down Sainsbury's application. A large supermaket on the outskirts of Chippy will do nothing for the shops in the centre, and the number of jobs it will create will be cancelled out by the number that will be lost if smaller shops close down, as they will. The reason why Witney works is that the Waitrose in the centre pulls people into the town. If the Co-op develops their centre of town site, this will have a similar effect, and will give the existing shops a new lease of life.

However, dont be deceived into thinking that this has now been kicked into the long grass - Sainsburys are quite likely to appeal. And depending on the timing, they may be allowed to build this under the proposed new planning laws, which will remove the ability for local communities to turn down applications of this type in the future.


Sat 10 Mar 2012, 12:36

But If there was a bigger sainsbury's on the outskirts of chippy wouldn't it be better for chippy by bringing more people into the town. Bringing more jobs to the town. Chippy has loads of new housing popping up everywhere. More housing means more people which needs a supermarket.Just because to co op is there and wanting to expand dose not mean everyone will use it. I fins the co op a bit pricey at times.

Carl Perkins

Fri 9 Mar 2012, 13:49

Would you all agree to a 'large' supermarket being built in or on the outskirts of Charlbury?

Chipping Norton is a very fragile economy, unlike Stow, Moreton, Bourton etc. Nobody stops in Chippy, everyone just drives through. The town needs to retain the High Street else it will just become a ghost town. Once the shops go, the pubs and restaurants would go, followed by the hotels, post office etc.

russell robson

Wed 7 Mar 2012, 15:56

I concur with Richard's comments.

Malcolm Biranek

Wed 7 Mar 2012, 15:13 (last edited on Wed 7 Mar 2012, 15:21)

Well I often take the greener option and and don't travel at all to the supermarket and have it delivered by Sainsbury's or Tesco et-alt. Due to the current price of petrol its not worth getting the car out! Pity the coop does not offer this service.
It looks very much like the government with continual fuel tax hikes and the eastern oil dictators will price ordinary rural people off the roads very soon.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 7 Mar 2012, 13:18

I tend to think that the Co-op's expansion plans will be better for Chippy than the out-of-town Sainsbury's would have been. Assuming two supermarkets of a roughly comparable size, it's surely better to have one in the town centre, where people can easily walk to other shops while still parked there. A town centre supermarket also encourages people to travel there by sustainable means (bus, bike, foot).

The Co-op has a better track record in supporting local communities; the Sainsbury's application was underwhelming in terms of additional benefits to the community.

Hopefully Chippy's existing businesses will step up to the challenge and consider evening opening etc. to benefit from the increased numbers that an enlarged Co-op should bring.

Helen Wilkinson

Wed 7 Mar 2012, 12:56 (last edited on Wed 7 Mar 2012, 12:57)

It is true that Chippy already has two supermarkets, but it must be pointed out that both the Co-op and Sainsbury felt that there was a demand to be met by larger stores. My understanding is that the Co-op had put on hold major works to extend their store until after the planning decision on the new Sainsbury store.
My purely personal preference would have been for a larger Sainsbury store - I find the value and range better than the alternative. I find myself increasingly shopping in Witney, rather than Chippy, for the range of shops and goods available. I think that a large supermarket in Chippy might bring more people from outlying villages to the town for their main weekly shop, who might presently be travelling to Banbury or Witney.

Jean Adams

Wed 7 Mar 2012, 11:45

There are two Supermarkets in the town with parking. Moving one outside would surely begin the rot that other towns have suffered when local shops are not supported. Chippy is an excellent place to shop with good cafes,one in a book shop so you can browsw while drinking you coffee, a weekly market et al.Please don't change this. They can use the space outside for housing.


Tue 6 Mar 2012, 19:42

Perhaps the people of 'Chippy' would prefer the more expensive (by far) Waitrose ?...after all 'ordinary people' shop at Sainsburys!

Emily Algar

Tue 6 Mar 2012, 18:04

I concur Mandy.


Tue 6 Mar 2012, 17:14

I dont think this is great news for chippy it would have been great news if it had gone ahead just think more jobs not so far to go for shopping it wouldnt have made any difference to the town. Witney have one and its made witney a much busy place. Sainsburys own the land any way so its just going to be left empty for fly tippers and what ever else.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 6 Mar 2012, 07:54

Great news for Chippy. Well done WODC.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 6 Mar 2012, 00:05

Like :)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 5 Mar 2012, 17:10

I wouldn't usually post out-of-Charlbury news on the site, but thought people might be interested - it's just been announced that Sainsburys' proposal for an out-of-town supermarket in Chipping Norton has been turned down by the WODC planning committee.

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