Moved and settled...

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 14 Feb 2006, 13:48

Kate - it was winter 2003/04. I remember it well because it took me six hours to drive back from Watford!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 14 Feb 2006, 13:25

Look forward to seeing you then, Lizzie. If you let me have your email address I can let you have a copy of the last minutes. My email address is

Elizabeth Watson

Tue 14 Feb 2006, 13:19

Ok - I'll get 'me coat!!

kate southey

Tue 14 Feb 2006, 11:59

Snow??!!! Hahahahahahaahhaa, thanks for that, I needed cheering up!! I think the last time snow actually settled properly was 1996!!
Welcome to Charlbury Lizzie!

Elizabeth Watson

Tue 14 Feb 2006, 09:59

Hi there! I've been looking at the photos on this site from the Street Fair and it looks really good fun. I would definitely be interested in getting involved with it.
I'll have to ask Dad where the Garden Room is but I'm sure he'll know. I'll hopefully see you on the 27th - I'll be the lost looking person!!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 13 Feb 2006, 15:26

Hi Lizzie - welcome to Charlbury. We dont get much snow here - and your Dad is right, that even if we cant drive around Charlbury itself, the main roads are all gritted.
Regard meeting people, how about joining the Street Fair Committee and help us organise this year's Street Fair. The next meeting is on Monday 27th February at 8pm in the Garden Room (next to Memorial Hall - your dad will know where this is). You will get to meet some of us in Charlbury, and go for a drink afterwards!! Hope to see you there.

Elizabeth Watson

Mon 13 Feb 2006, 13:28

Some may remember me posting here last year to say that I was moving here with my 2 children from London. Well the deed is done and we're happily in.
My London commute is not too bad either...I'm up at 5am each day and drive to Thornhill to catch the Oxford Tube, which is reliable and much cheaper than the train option. Additionally we get a free breakfast and newspaper!! What's really good is that it drops off at Shepherd's Bush roundabout, so it's a brisk walk to my work.
I am however concerned about how snowed in we get in Charlbury - my Dad assures me (I'm back living with them...) that the road out to Woodstock is a main bus route and is regularly gritted, so we don't get cut off. Is this true?

Lastly, I still haven't met anyone to go for a drink with and am comfortably squeezed between my parents to watch the 10 most nights...but I'm hoping that slowly but surely I'll meet some new people and start a social life of my own. :-)

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