WychWayz Morris are looking for dancers and musicians

Teresa Duester

Tue 27 Sep 2011, 14:48

WychWayz Morris are looking for new dancers and musicians. We are a mixed side (male and female) of Morris dancers who dance the Border Morris style which means we wear rag jackets and dance with sticks (rather than the Cotswold Morris style which is traditional in this area). Some of us black our faces but it is not a necessity. You may have seen us at Charlbury Street Fair recently?
We are looking for new dancers and musicians of all ages and abilities to join our practice sessions over the winter months and come and dance out with us at local fetes, fairs and festivals next year. We are a very friendly bunch and usually end our practice sessions with a drink in the local pub. No previous dancing experience is necessary as we will show you everything you need to know even if you have two left feet! And you don't need to be particularly fit, but it is good exercise and a great way to meet new people in Charlbury.
Musicians are also welcome . Do you play the melodeon, accordion, flute, fiddle, drum or tambourine? If so please come along and join us.
We practice on Tuesday nights in the Scout Hut on Nine Acres Lane from 7.45 - 9pm
Interested? then contact Teresa Laughton if you would like further information
Tel. 01608 810934

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