Charlbury Cricket Club New Pavilion

Paul Taylor

Mon 8 May 2006, 23:09

Just looked at the Charlbuy cricket club web site the suport for the youth players is just great.Why cant we all support the new pavilion this in turn will help the young and old alike to enjoy the game. Village cricket is such an important part of the community if this planning cant be sorted out this could end up being lost for good.I dont play the game myself but would not want this club to fall into disrepair how many more winters will the roof take (heavy snow)Come on people of Charlbury show your support help get the planing and stop being selfish its not going to be a blot on the landscape one with the roof falling will be.

Deleted user

Mon 24 Apr 2006, 16:35

Thank you for your comments. The needs of the club dictate that the Pavilion floorplate has to cater for 4/ 5 changing rooms due to the current demand for cricket. You may note now that there are two pitches in operation. The orginal design is based on using materials that are principally wood and tile and I think the references to the "Tesco style" actually represent a lack of building knowledge although the roof coverage on plan may give this impression. The club have decided to persue the option of extending the existing pavilion and replacing like with like in time. All options including eco solutions have been considered in relation to cost. Just for the record, a great deal of eco solutions often involve substantial up front cost but can be claimed back over the longer term. The infrequent use of the pavilion would not make this a viable option to the funders.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 3 Apr 2006, 20:50

I don't suppose anyone has thought of making an semi-underground eco-building, turf roofed, which will essentially be invisible from the town side? No shortage of material to build up the town side slope, people will PAY YOU to be able to put it there!

No, thought not...

James Wheare

Mon 3 Apr 2006, 19:47

I never saw the plans myself but they were described to me as Tesco-esque. Any chance of making details available online so I can judge for myself?

Deleted user

Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:19

Good afternoon everybody. I have just returned from the planning committee and unfortunately the councillors voted 6 for and 6 against the planning application for the club to build a new pavilion which meant that the application had to refused despite the application being recommended for acceptance by the planning officers. It is not my intention to be negative and I think we were well represented by our local councillors that although they were not in favour of every aspect of our proposal they thought the benefit outweighed the potential negative aspects. The club I am sure will appeal against the decision and in my opinion is much more likely to get a favourable result as the outcome is determined by a planning inspector. It was clear that from some of the comments of those who objected they simply did not want a pavilion in that location in Charlbury despite the club playing there for over 100 years. Further they really was a misunderstanding of basic design mechanics but that is now past history. I am sure the club will get their new pavilion! We have listened to the objections and have compromised on numerous grounds, but now we will move forward and get what we think is best for Charlbury, its community and its Cricket club. It just a shame that a few people have stood in the way, increased the cost of the process and the ultimate decision made by people outside our immediate area - buts thats local planning for you!

Dave Gamble

Sun 5 Feb 2006, 21:17

Paul, as a 14/15 year old in the early 60s, I changed the numbers on the scoreboard at Charlbury C.C. & I seem to remember the pavilion was akin to 'a shed!' so I wish you every success in building a new pavilion.
Since 1977 I have been a member of St. Annes C.C. in the Northern League, where a certain Andrew Flintoff played for 5 seasons before joining Lancs. In fact, I was in the same team when he made his debut & I also took the photo of him practising a forward defensive shot in his book 'Being Freddie' which was taken at St. Annes, not Old Trafford as stated. My two claims to fame!!
Anyway, when I first arrived,the clubhouse & pavilon were worse than sheds! but in the late 80s, the club sold the 3rd/4th team pitch to Barretts (I think) & we had a new clubhouse built. If you would like to log on to you can take a good look at us! Maybe Charlbury could be like us one day!
Like many leagues, we have a professional & our current pro. is Shane Harwood (Victoria & Australia 'A')In the past, we have had the likes of Eldine Baptiste, Rohan Khani(sp?) & Dave Callaghan, a South African international, plus other well known players.
So, if you can get 'a few bob' together, who knows what you may achieve!!
Good luck to all at Charlbury C.C.

Derek Collett

Fri 3 Feb 2006, 10:33

Chris - I've seen the plans and was very impressed. The proposed building is elegant and tasteful and will fit very nicely into the Charlbury landscape. The new pavilion will certainly be far more aesthetically pleasing than the existing structure!

Chris Tatton

Thu 2 Feb 2006, 21:16

Totally support the cricket club and its desire for better facilities. However I have not seen the new plans, will they fit into this very sensitive and pleasant area?

graham W

Tue 31 Jan 2006, 20:54

Please count me in as a supporter of the new pavilion (even though I don't understand the game). I will be a great resource for the community and also raise the coffers for the cricket club funds.

Good luck

Derek Collett

Tue 31 Jan 2006, 20:47

I wholeheartedly endorse everything that Paul has said on this topic so far. The new pavilion will be a valuable resource, not just for the cricket club but also for the community as a whole. I also believe that the proposed structure will be an attractive adornment to the Charlbury skyline. A great many youngsters play their cricket at Charlbury and they deserve decent facilities to help them participate in this sociable and character-building sport. I need hardly mention the health benefits that will be likely to accrue as a result.

Deleted user

Mon 30 Jan 2006, 19:58

Further to my earlier comment, I am pleased to note that there were 56 letters of support and only 11 objections - a rare occurance when plans are submitted. Just to ease the concerns of those that objected, it is not the plan of the cricket club to run discos every night, quite the opposite! Please note the bar area of the new planned building is the same size as the existing one, the main size difference equating to an enhanced changing room area and shower block. In simple terms to cater for 44 players to change you need more room than for 22 and if the club wanted to run discos they could have done so for the last 40 years. As a club we see ourselves as a community facility and have been very supportive of the community hall project. I hope the 56 supporters get their way!

Deleted user

Tue 24 Jan 2006, 15:37

I wish to express my total support for the actions of the cricket club in their attempts to build a new pavilion. The new design whilst larger than existing will allow the club to accommodate 2 teams in Charlbury and enhance one of the best youth policies in the county! Good luck and come on Charlbury, support this community club!

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