Threat to Charlbury Station ticket office

Mike Williams

Fri 16 Sep 2011, 19:22

There may currently be no plan to close ticket offices. But there may be a list of ticket office to be closed, should a plan to close ticket offices emerge. I bet that list exists (forward planning). Who can advise?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 16 Sep 2011, 07:03

FGW are quoted in the Oxford Mail saying they have no plans to close any ticket offices.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 14 Sep 2011, 12:23

I honestly wouldn't give the report any credence on a local level. The list takes no notice of profitability (what was that old tale about Charlbury having the highest season-ticket revenue of any comparable station in Britain?), and was so arbitrarily researched that it even includes several privately-run ticket offices (like Ledbury) which aren't the Government's to close. The McNulty Report was flying a kite - not making concrete proposals.

Carl Perkins

Wed 14 Sep 2011, 11:32

The money has been spent on new platforms, the station building has been unchanged has it not?

Platforms = means of getting paying customers on to trains = more money for the fat cats at FGW.

Station building = staff salary and maintenance expense = less money for the fat cats at FGW = not viable = take services away from ripped off punters!

Emily Algar

Tue 13 Sep 2011, 18:04

I spoke to Teresa (can't remember last name) and according to her she hadn't even been told or consulted regarding the closure of ticket offices. Apparently it's been seen as a way to "trim the fat". She has said though she finds it ridiculous that all this money has been spent on all the stations including Charlbury and now its going to be jeopardised.

Brian Murray

Fri 9 Sep 2011, 22:17

Surely the main reason we've recently heard of this threat is that the TSSA union (of the railway's salaried staff)is likely to merge with the main rail union, R.M.T. and there needs to be some publicity. How things have changed since I was a member and Ray Gunter was General Secretary. Bob Crowe's patch will be enlarged.

John Dora

Wed 7 Sep 2011, 21:00

Glad to see Arbroath is not on the list

Reg James

Wed 7 Sep 2011, 12:58

Re Mr Bates' posting it seem to me that not only are these jobs worth saving, at this time of high unemployment we should be concerned about the loss af ANY jobs (and loss of a useful service).

Gareth Epps

Wed 7 Sep 2011, 12:54

I'm not a union member (used to be though); just noting the source.

The last time I got off the train in Reading needing a ticket from Charlbury, when the ticket office was closed, I was treated like a criminal. Too much of that already happens and it shouldn't be further encouraged.

Carl Perkins

Wed 7 Sep 2011, 10:16

Kingham is also under threat.
Tell me, how will we purchase monthly and annual tickets? Machines don't sell them and you cannot purchase them on the train.

Also ticket machines located at isolated stations are rich pickings for card scammers!

Who will clear the platforms of ice and snow in the winter? Where can we get timetables, rail card application forms and the commonly used complaint forms from if there will be no ticket hall?

Makes me angry that they would even contemplate doing this. More money charged yet less service provided!

Chris Bates

Wed 7 Sep 2011, 09:17

Oh yes, the TSSA are trying to save members jobs - and roping the customers in to help. I understand now. They are more concerned about loss of jobs than us having a ticket office.

Gareth Epps

Tue 6 Sep 2011, 11:13

There was some press work from unions yesterday as I understand. It's a worst case scenario, but people do need to be aware of the threat.

Chris Bates

Tue 6 Sep 2011, 10:39

This proposal ias contained within the McNulty report that the Government commissioned for the future of the railways. There is no indication yet that it will be implemented. The report was published some time ago, so unsure why it has only just been picked up?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 5 Sep 2011, 23:06

How can you take this list seriously when stations such as Moreton and Evesham are also included?


Mon 5 Sep 2011, 19:28

It's all part of the 'plan' to make everybody use mobile phones and machines to do everything. In a few years time if you havent got a mobile phone/computer/ i-pad you will be b*******....there will be no 'real' people left to help you!

Gareth Epps

Mon 5 Sep 2011, 16:30

Which is one of the 675 threatened with closure:

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