
Igor Goldkind

Sun 22 Jan 2006, 15:48

I would volunteer to help a youth group, providing (as Malcolm mentioned), it well removed from either sectarian or military tendancies.

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 21 Jan 2006, 17:58

Woodcraft Folk missing from that list - without the trappings of religion and militarism - tho' clearly huge efforts have been made to distance the overall scouting movement from the past.

At least those horrid choccy brown pleated skirts have gone!! Do cubs still wear those little caps and green shirts or is that now really passe?

Cathryn Taylor

Sat 21 Jan 2006, 16:00

I have contacted Deborah and hope that others will too. Charlbury would benefit greatly from a Guide Company, we had a very successful one a few years ago but unfortunately volunteers were hard to find then. Who knows, this could be the start of Charlbury returning back to the days when we had 8 different groups running from the Scout Hut, from the Rainbows to Brownies, Guides and Rangers, and from Beavers to Cubs, Scouts and Venture Scouts. We had lots of people involved, not only parents, and were able to hold the May Day Fair in Charlbury, raising funds to run our Scout Hut.

We already have the Scout Hut to hold meetings in, Charlbury has lots of children to attend, we just need the volunteers to get things going again.

Deborah Longshaw

Fri 20 Jan 2006, 13:52

Thanks for that Igor - useful to know though not quite what I was looking for.

Discovering that my child is too old for Brownies. I am shocked to discover that there are no Guides in Charlbury. Is is worth my while trying to get a group going? Could any interested parties email me on:-

Igor Goldkind

Fri 20 Jan 2006, 09:42

I've always baked my own Brownies and never needed to buy them in packs. I have several recipes with and without nuts, that I would be happy to contribute to the discussion.

Cathryn Taylor

Thu 19 Jan 2006, 19:33

Thanks for your comments about Brownies. I have run the Brownie pack (very happily!) for over 10 years now, but I live in Witney and have two small children as Malcolm correctly states and so it is difficult sometimes. As Rachael says, along with myself there are 3 other adult leaders and 2 young leaders but with a pack of very enthusiastic girls, we are always looking for extra inspiration and ideas. So if anyone in Charlbury can offer help in anyway, we would be grateful, for example with badge work, activities, donations etc.. Also, we do have room at the moment for more Brownies - aged from 7 to 10 years old. We meet at the Scout Hut every Wednesday during term time, from 6.45-8pm. I can be contacted on 01993 702938 for further details.

Deborah Longshaw

Tue 17 Jan 2006, 09:45

Many thanks for that Rachael

Rachael Lunney

Mon 16 Jan 2006, 20:18

Hi Deborah and Malcom
Malcom coment is untrue She has help from a true deidiacte team of help half are charlbury people, only two live out of charlbury,
It a growing group of girls with about 25 of them, we do a wide range of activies. we take part in thinking day and easter good turn.
If you want to find out more about taking over or helping out the brownie own is Cathyn Taylor 01993 702938 and she will ask any question but you be well support, charlbury is one of the best support packs,

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 16 Jan 2006, 17:50

email us on for a contact number.

Brownies is in a leadership crisis at the moment - needs some more people to help out as the current leader lives out of area and has two preschool kids to manage.

Many hands make light work if its too much for a single leader.

Deborah Longshaw

Mon 16 Jan 2006, 10:09

Could someone please let me have details about the local Brownie group (e.g when, where and arkela contact number). Many thanks

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