Furious about local driving... yet again

Alex Flynn

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 19:42

Is this all there is to do in Charlbury these days? If you're not happy, make a formal complaint to the authorities! I'm not condoning bad driving (I myself was nearly knocked down by a speeding car in Dyers Hill the other day - and it really would me up at the time!) but you don't deal with the situation by punishing everyone with talk of lower speed limits. The correct way to quietly deal with the issue by taking down the registration number of the vehicle concerned (a mobile phone camera photo will do the job) and reporting it. Then wait for them do absolutely sod all!

John Kearsey

Mon 12 Sep 2011, 11:01

I think this is already happening Brian!

Brian Murray

Fri 9 Sep 2011, 22:29

If you would like the traffic speed in Charlbury to be reduced, let me suggest a simple inexpensive and immediate solution; those who are concerned should drive at 20/25 m.p.h. within the town. I find it works wonders as those who wish to speed have little choice but to slow down and wait (impatiently perhaps) as you drive at an appropraite speed.

Kat Patrick

Fri 9 Sep 2011, 08:29

I remember those humps on Nine Acres -- or, should I say, tyre-puncture traps? Worst road humps I've ever seen! I much prefer the 30-friendly versions that you get as you enter Witney from Hailey: they do the job without wrecking your suspension.

That said, I also remember how much easier it was to cross the road as a pedestrian when those humps were in. Now, it's a very difficult place to cross, whichever way you try.

Several years ago, there was a traffic consultation done, and one of their main recommendations was to narrow the roads at junctions (if you notice, they're very wide), which would have two effects: easier for pedestrians to cross, and a slight traffic-calming measure for the cars turning.

They also suggested a reversal of our one-way system in the middle of town, which would make it safer for pedestrians crossing by The Bull to the Corner House (it seems like some people think this has already happened!!!).

Alistair Slater-Kerr

Fri 9 Sep 2011, 07:53

Sadly bad drivers exist everywhere. The main roads in and out of Charlbury, along with The Slade are bad for speeding, but that is not the only problem. There seems to be a growing number of people who are either unaware of the Highway Code or assume it doesn't apply to them...Yes I'm talking to you 4x4 woman who forced me to brake sharply on Dancers Hill then glared at me as you drove past. If the obstruction is on your side I have right of way!

Katie Ewer

Tue 16 Aug 2011, 11:13

Yesterday at 5pm, I saw a bloack Mercedes A Class hurtling along towards the railway bridge on the way into Charlbury. The speed limit there is 30, yet I estimate this vehicle was doing at least 50mph and had to brake very hard for the bridge. If there had been people crossing, they wouldn't have stood a chance. Just one of many examples unfortunately.

Ann Harper

Fri 12 Aug 2011, 18:58

Yes, Derek, it was a Smart car as in make which whooped passed me on the Enstone Road heading for town and then having to break immediately as the road narrows. I was really startled - thought Mr. Toad must be behind the wheel.

Heather Hill

Thu 11 Aug 2011, 15:53

Something has got to be done before someone gets hurt, it's as simple as that! I have been a Charlbury resident for 11 years now and I have noticed that the speed cars drive through our town is getting worse, especially coming in and out of Charlbury. Maybe's we need to meet up to discuss this further instead of posting messages on the site?

Katie Ewer

Tue 9 Aug 2011, 20:45

John, I wasn't suggesting a chicane there! I meant on the way out of Charlbury past the train station.

John Kearsey

Mon 8 Aug 2011, 12:19

A chicane at the top of the Slade by the Dancers Hill junction would cause chaos. People exiting Dancers Hill would have their view of oncoming traffic blocked by cars queuing to go down the hill and cars would also find it very difficult to turn right into Dancers Hill. I really think the problem is being exaggerated. I frequently walk around Charlbury and it would seem to me that the speeding cars are in the minority.

Julie Negus

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 20:49

Katie we have this type of speed restriction near here, and in my mind it's not brilliant. Many a time I have had the right of way and yet the driver coming the other way, seams to think they have enough time to speed round in front of me.
Using as a speed chicane.( and I know it has caused accidents) I would be interested in official statistics, as they must have benefits as they seam to be appearing everywhere. A grouping of them seams to work better than just the odd one, never the less you re always get the driver who thinks he is the exception to ANY rules.

Katie Ewer

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 20:35

Does anyone know how effective those chicanes are, like the one at the entrance to Stonesfield and Crawley villages? Maybe one of those past the nursery would force traffic to slow down? I don't think reducing the speed limit would help as it is already 30mph and if people already flaut that to the extreme that they do, then dropping it to 20mph wouldn't change their behaviour.

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 19:05

There were bumps put in Nine Acres Lane a few years ago and they were taken out because they damaged cars, and I think because residents complained of the noise of cars slowing down to go over them. Were they not put in because they were cheaper than anything else?

Grahame Ockleston

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 17:33

Ok so what do you suggest ??

Katie Ewer

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 15:45

There was a traffic census on the Slade just the other day; it would be interesting to know the results. In some ways, the double parked traffic at the top of the Slade at busy times is already a natural physical calming method as you have to slow down to get through. Another place where cars speed is on the way out of Charlbury past the train station. I regularly see cars speeding in both directions despite it being 30mph there. It makes pulling out of the nursery car park very dangerous when cars come flying over the railway bridge or hurtling along in the other direction. I would estimate that those cars going towards Charlbury are often doing more than 50mph. It is particular worrying given that children are often taken out for walks and visits during the summer and have to cross the road.

Grahame Ockleston

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 15:35

Physical traffic calming is the only solution, speed limits are broken because there are no obstacles or no sanction.
To the two on the Slade should be added one on 9 Acres Lane.
The speed reminder signs on the Slade are activated 80/90% of the time during busy times, I wonder when the last census was taken ?
Where do our elected representatives stand on this subject ?

John Kearsey

Fri 5 Aug 2011, 14:34

Hmmmm....Its interesting how an initial post about one irresponsible driver has led to proposals for 20mph speed limits and traffic "calming" measures (a misnomer if ever I heard one!) You are always going to get the occasional speeding car regardless of the posted speed limit. The lower limit would only be obeyed by the law abiding and if people are still disobeying the lower limit what then? 10mph? Men with red flags in front of cars?


Tue 2 Aug 2011, 20:19

I agree with Graham, physical calming measures would be far more effective.

Graham Chamberlain

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 15:13

No surprise about the ineffectiveness of speed limits! A far better and cheaper (one would hope) solution would be physical traffic calming structures such as those that give priority to traffic in one direction. I would suggest two such at the top of the slade each side (near the school and near Dancer's Hill junction) giving priority to traffic coming UP the slope.

Heather Hill

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 11:44

I have to agree with Richard alos, i'm up for it.

Chris Bates

Mon 1 Aug 2011, 08:51 (last edited on Mon 1 Aug 2011, 08:51)

Through your local Neighbourhood Police Team

Helen Wilkinson

Sun 31 Jul 2011, 14:31

Somewhat reluctantly, I have to agree with Richard. 30 mph is an appropriate speed for The Slade - except around the school - but it is widely disregarded and in some cases grossly exceeded, (also the entry to the town from the Enstone road and around Cornbury). In the narrower town centre areas 20 mph is a reasonable limit.It seems the only way to reduce speeding is to set a lower limit to less than the appropriate - or somehow rigourously enforce the existing limits. How does one request a police speed check?

Jean Adams

Sat 30 Jul 2011, 21:45

I believe a 30mph limit in Charlbury is quite sufficient, as long as drivers adhere to it. Changing to 20mph will make no difference to those already exceeding 30.
It is more important to deal with those parking on double yellow lines and in restricted areas.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 29 Jul 2011, 12:44

In several communities, residents have got together to campaign for a 20mph speed limit.

Here, Oxfordshire's new Local Transport Plan for Rural Areas states that "We will continue to support... the introduction of 20mph zones in settlements, should the experience of the 20mph speed limits in limits in Oxford indicate that this would be worthwhile."

They also encourage local people to propose their desired improvements: "Community-led and supported approaches may also provide a way to tackle other common rural travel issues, such as congestion and inappropriate parking near schools."

So if Charlbury residents were to get together, form a group, and jointly make a submission to Oxfordshire County Council requesting a 20mph speed limit, I think it has a good chance of happening. How about it?


Tue 26 Jul 2011, 18:45

Charlbury seems to be bad for impatient and tail gateing drivers who seem to think they can attempt to intimidate you over the speed limit. The people who drop off and pick up the kids from school should also think about where they are parking (on the slade), there will be an accident there one day.

Heather Hill

Mon 25 Jul 2011, 15:35

Personally I think something should be done about speeding and dangerous in Charlbury. I have noticed it seems to be locals a lot of the time (some of my neighbours are terrible). One of these days someone is going to get badly hurt!

Derek Collett

Sat 23 Jul 2011, 11:56

Hello Ann. Do you mean a "smart" car (i.e. elegant, fashionable) or a "Smart" car (i.e. the brand Smart)? If the latter then it might help to identify the driver although I would be surprised if a Smart car had the horsepower to outpace your Skoda!

Jean Adams

Sat 23 Jul 2011, 11:22

Try living on Fawler Road.The Council changed to sign below my house to 50,at my suggestion, instead of unrestricted, as this can then be seen from the top of the road and warns of a further speed limit.However many motorists treat the whole road as 50mph to and from the Fiveways Corner and there is no footpath for pedestrians.The worst offenders still are powerful motor-bikes which accelerate to 70 plus going past the house. I see no connection with rich people, only inconsiderate law breakers!

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 23 Jul 2011, 01:06

If you haeven;t heard that most rich people are socially skilled psychopaths ( well scientifically researched topic1) you now have now...

Ann Harper

Fri 22 Jul 2011, 20:00

I was driving down the Enstone Road towards the town and was,I suppose, roughly opposite the last houses on the right when I was overtaken with a great roar by a smart car. It then, of course, had to break as the road narrows and there is congestion by the Co-op entrance. What was the point? It isn't a question of driving under 30 mph but according to the conditions states the Highway code.

Mike Williams

Thu 14 Jul 2011, 22:05 (last edited on Tue 26 Jul 2011, 19:54)

Whilst walking back home from the Co-Op a short time ago I started to cross the junction between Dancer's Hill and Sandford Rise, with no cars in sight. Suddenly a Mini shot down the hill from Sandford Rise. The driver was clearly peering around to look for other vehicles, but not pedestrians, cyclists or children. I managed to leap back without loss of limb, or shopping. I've never been motivated to write a message like this before. But "Mini Driver, emerging from Sandford Rise, you are a very shockingly bad driver. Just let me know if you remember me". I have your Registration Number, but I'll give you a day or two to apologise in this public forum before I take take it further.

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