Damage by lorries to cars in Charlbury streets

John Munro

Tue 10 May 2011, 19:43

Don't know about sat-navs right now, but Google Maps send you around The Slade and Nine Acres...

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 10 May 2011, 19:31

If you enter Witney to Chipping Norton into a SatNav, does it take you along Park Street and Market Street?

Caroline Shenton

Mon 9 May 2011, 21:08

Good luck Nick! And now, if only we can stop people driving the wrong way up the street (I saw this three times last Saturday week).

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 9 May 2011, 17:31

Sounds like getting into the habit of always folding in both mirrors is a good one to develop - gives just that little bit more clearance on the road side and gives walkers on the narrow pavements around town a bit more room too - my kids hit their heads on wing mirrors quite a few times at a certain age once on a scooter - ouch! Hope you get damages anyway sounds like you have enough for a civil case. I'm not sure if failing to stop after an accident counts with parked and unnoccupied vehicles...?

Nick Way

Mon 9 May 2011, 15:38

Judy, Just caught up with the website and have seen your posting. Thank you very much for the information and for calling Hacklings - beyond the call of duty and very much appreciated. I am now getting on to Hacklings myself, and if I can get a satisfactory result I hope it will make them more careful in Market Street, for the sake of others.

Mark Purcell

Mon 9 May 2011, 14:07

Every sympathty, Nick: it happened to us last year, but though kind people saw it and gave me a description we never managed to track down the culprit. It sounds like you might have better luck this time.
I hope you do.

Judy Dod

Mon 9 May 2011, 08:48

Nick - I saw and heard the lorry take off your wing mirror. It was a blue Hacklings lorry. He must have known he had hit you as it made a very loud noise. I was so cross that he drove off that I rang Hacklings and gave them all the details - make, model, reg no. etc. So if you give them a ring this morning, they should be expecting a call this morning. I didn't realise the car belonged to you or I would have given you a call over the weekend.

Gary Walker

Sun 8 May 2011, 20:10

Might be a long shot - but was it a yellow coloured lorry?

John Hacklings, Bourton on the Water have some vehicles with 'JHT' number plates.


Nick Way

Sun 8 May 2011, 19:37

Help needed! A lorry took off the driver's side mirror from our car, silver/blue R 508 MDG, Ford Galaxy, people carrier, parked in Market Street on Friday, 6 May, at about 3.15 pm. It did not stop, but a motorist saw its number plate, K 13 JHT. If anyone saw the incident and can give me any info about the name of the company on the lorry, possibly "Whistles" or "Whistler", it would be extremely helpful if you could let me know, so I can follow it up with the company.
I know I am only one of many who have suffered from damage to their cars parked in Charlbury's streets, but if the companies whose drivers damage cars and don't stop are tracked down, they might actually take more care when driving through Charlbury. Thank you!

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