Local "Open Co-ops"

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 30 Dec 2005, 20:30

Here's an interesting site I've never come across before:


Do one of these locally - if anyone would be interested ...



Where do we want to be?

Our Vision is a world in which

* a high quality of life doesn't come at the expense of others or the health of the natural world, now or in the future.
* the Ecological Footprint of all human activities is no greater than the size of our Planet.
* everyone can take part in any decision making process that affects them.
* communities are empowered to self-organise to provide for their own needs.

Really, that means an entirely new system of economics and governance. And the Open Co-op's (http://open.coop) role is not to lobby governments or campaign for this to happen, it is to build it now!

The Open Co-op is establishing a global network of self-organised Local Open Co-ops (http://open.coop/tiki-index.php?page=Local+Open+Co-op). By harnessing the powers of Open Source software to pull together existing sustainable enterprises, community action groups and individuals in their area, Local Open Co-ops will form a new framework of mutual support and transparent ethical trade.

For a snapshot of how we see this, have a look at our little story of the future, PlaNet 2010 (http://open.coop/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=44).

Or read the fictional account in Gary Alexander's book, eGaia, Growing a peaceful, sustainable Earth through communications (http://sustainability.open.ac.uk/gary/pages/egaia.htm). See chapter 3 A Taste of an eGaian future (pp. 40-69 in the linked 437K pdf.)(http://sustainability.open.ac.uk/gary/pdf/egaiapart1.pdf).

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