Attendance at Hofman appeal - lifts to Banbury

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 4 May 2011, 10:57

Just a word of caution - it may be a good idea if someone contacts the Banbury court to make sure that you will all be allowed to attend. I am sure they will say its OK but you will not be able to speak. I am sure that casual dress will be OK.

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 3 May 2011, 23:43

IF I am am well enough to be up Thursday morn about 8am I will need a lift - drugs mean I can't drive until about 12-00hrs earliest. Has anyone organised a lift share for getting to Banbury? Sorry I can't be reliable in attending my health is up and down almost hourly much less daily with this disease dammit but I will try and be up in time to cadge a lift if one is going... no promises though. Send phone numbers to me so I can contact at last minute! Meanwhile I have put on so much weight from drugs I am not sure I can fit in suit and shirt anymore will casual dress be OK???

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