Cornbury Park licence - request to Mr H to withdraw appeal

Cally Robson

Thu 21 Apr 2011, 23:16

Sadly, more than 2 weeks have passed and I still haven't received a reply from Mr Hofman. It seems a continuation of his refusal to engage with anyone in the community if they are not aligned with his way of thinking.

And the fact that he has submitted a 19-page witness statement toward the magistrate's hearing on 5th May indicates he is indeed going ahead with his appeal.

I am really concerned that none of the show of support for Charlbury events in this forum, the petition, or the Facebook group will hold sway against Mr Hofman in the process of the hearing.

I'd therefore urge anyone wanting to make a stand against Mr H's undermining of Charlbury events to attend the hearing on 5th May at Banbury Magistrates court [Warwick Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 2AW]

In the face of Mr H's insistence that he has the support of Charlbury residents, only a physical, undeniable show of the real level of support for events can be guaranteed to get through to the Magistrate.

Anyone got a minibus?


Ray Marshall

Sat 9 Apr 2011, 00:28

Having seen all the responses regarding this issue, it seems only Mr Hofman is objecting and he therefore should be prepared to pay all costs if he looses. Also WODC and Cornbury should take civil actions against him to reclaim any expenses occurred

Phil Morgan

Fri 8 Apr 2011, 00:50

Having watched the debate on this forum for several weeks and listened to the opinion of 'the street', I feel compelled to add a viewpoint.
Mark Hofman is undoubtedly a very decent chap who saw a potential 'danger' to the community where he lives and who wanted to act for the 'public interest'.
Evidently, he has made a mistake and we are all entitled to do that. The real point at issue is the effect that a court ruling may have on the events available to us all in this town.
Mark Hofman's insistence on pursuing the appeal represents a 'clear and present danger' to certain democratic rights. Whilst Mark is exercising an absolute right to challenge a decision by elected members, he is also failing to recognise that the people of the town do not want his intervention and that many actively resent it.
As an honourable man, I ask you, Mark, what is the point?

John Munro

Thu 7 Apr 2011, 11:56

I would just like to back up Cally's, David's and Russell's comments about this pointless appeal ending up being at the local tax payers expense. If WODC are expected to foot the bill, what services are they going to have to cut to pay for it - or could someone potentially be made redundant to balance the council's books?
And lets not forget the additional costs that Lord and Lady Rotherwick are being put to, in having to engage the services of a lawyer.
I sincerely hope that the magistrates see that this appeal is simply a personal crusade by a single individual, who doesn't have the support of the majority of residents in and around Charlbury and that they make the decision to award costs against Mr Hofman.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 6 Apr 2011, 11:45

Well said and well written Cally. I would be interested to know if you receive a reply.

Jenny Chambers

Wed 6 Apr 2011, 10:54

Thank you Cally for taking the time to pull together a very focused and reasoned request to Mr Hofman. Please do let us know his response, if he does not make that public.

Cally Robson

Tue 5 Apr 2011, 23:13

I'm pasting below a copy of the letter I sent today by registered post to Mr Hofman requesting him to withdraw his appeal against the granting of the premises licence for Cornbury Park before the hearing on 5th May

Cally Robson
2 North Lodge
Cornbury Park

Long post - click to read full text

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