Vodafone coverage

Mike Williams

Sat 2 Apr 2011, 13:20

I have also had problems with a new phone so I assumed it was the settings. After several reboots all is now working OK but everything is pointing to network problems, not phone problems. But on Thursday I was in Witney and couldn't send emails from there, although I could receive them. Very mysterious.

Heather Donegan

Sat 2 Apr 2011, 09:52

Just to update. The GPRS signal as opposed to the GMS seems to have returned to my phone. All the backlogged emails that had previously only reached my computer came through to my phone at 5.49am today.
I have spoken to other Vodafone/BT users who didn't post and it seems to have been pretty widespread. Fingers crossed it is now properly sorted. I'll try and find out from my friendly BT person what exactly went wrong. Hope the rest of you now have the right signal.

Heather Donegan

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 14:55

Sorry, think I spoke too soon. The re registration for emails all came through on my phone while I was in Witney, now that I'm back in Charlbury it has all gone very quiet again. Conclusion....there's nothing wrong with our phones but something has happened to affect the particular network signal we need to get the internet. Can't face tackling this again until Monday but I will inform BT.

Carolyn Iley

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 14:19

Ruth, I am really glad to know someone else is having problems. We have 4 Blackberrys and so it cannot just the handsets plus we have gone through every test possible with them. We are having to have a "Sure signal box" sent to enhance reception. It all seems really strange as we have never had a problem in over 6 years.

Heather Donegan

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 14:15

I had the same problem with BT mobile & Blackberry on Thursday. Everything fine but no internet access thus no emails. Spent a good part of the day on the phone testing and trying out various strategies as there was no apparent problem in the area. They tried to re register me remotely and that is when they accepted that there was an invisible (my word) problem with the network connection for internet. BT couldn't have been more helpful and although we didn't solve it on the day, they did recognise there was a strange blip and sent it to a higher authority in their engineering dept. They have managed to now re register me and everything seems to be up and running again.Hope this helps.

Ruth Allington

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 14:06

I am having exactly the same problem and also since Wed eve. Our service providers have been unable to pin down the reason so far but have come up with no plausible explanation so far except that it might be my handset that is faulty (they have also established that apparently there is nothing wrong with the masts).

John Munro

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:43

Emails coming through to my phone quite happily on Orange

Carolyn Iley

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:07

Has anyone else had problems with their data stream (ie e-mails) to their Blackberry or equivalent? For several years, until Wed eve, we received e-mails and PINs without any problems. Now we only have GSM coverage in OX7. Previously we had 2G which was strong enough to offer GPRS. We have 4 Blackberrys and now have to drive to Woodstock (OX20) to receive our e-mails. Vodafone said there isn't a problem with any of their masts!

John Kearsey

Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:05

You drive to Woodstock to get emails?! Surely more straightforward to turn on your home pc? Or is this an April fool?

Personally would never use Vodafone since they alledgedly dodged £6bn in taxes!

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