Power cuts

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 9 Apr 2011, 22:33

It was two cuts of short duration and the second switch on "spiked" and messed up some electronic gear which needed rebooting and resetting. The answerphone has failed to work properly since. Anyone know if there is a compensation mechanism if I can't get this device to work properly again? How far did the failure extend (we are at the western bottom end of The Green about 3 doors down from a stepdown transformer splitting up our 500v+ 3 phase into single phase 240v I assume)

Helen Wilkinson

Sat 9 Apr 2011, 19:37

Another brief cut this evening, vicinity of The Slade.

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 30 Mar 2011, 00:20

My first years were spent in a 200 year old farmhouse in Canada with a well in the basement and no electricity and a dirt road outside and 30 foot snowdrifts in the winter you Limeys are just plain soft.

john h

Wed 30 Mar 2011, 00:04

And you think you had it tough!! we lived in a shoe box in the middle of the road, (bless Monty Python)and had to get up before we went to bed etc!!!

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 23:56

By once again I meant locally produced power....!!

Malcolm Blackmore

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 23:45

The time will come unless we want repeated episodes of Fukishima when we will all once again be generating electricity via solar panels and combined heat and power stations in our home and running community owned windfarms and solar panel farms on marginal land to be self sufficient again. Hopefully with enough nickel iron batteries (non toxic and nearly indestructible - many 100 year old examples are still putting out full power) the power will not shut off when all the cookers go off... The grid needs to be simply a feed link not the be all and end all of lekky supply. I can be more technical if people ask me to be...!

Charlotte Penn

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 18:00

Hi John and Ray, I would also like add about how lucky we are nowadays, and how back in those good old days: when back in the 40/50s - when my grandma wanted a fridge/freezer - my grandpa made her one (with no money), whilst looking after war children, on a chicken farm, when he only had four fingers, whist re-mending war aircraft for the 2nd world war. They somehow coped - living off the breadline. Ref: Avia-tion in Warwickshire between the wars www.warwickshireaviation.co.uk/reviews.htm

Yes we?re lucky to electricity, but at a price!

John Kearsey

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 16:59

Eeeee you were lucky! We didn't even have t'electric cookers in t 40's and 50's. Made do wit t'rayburn!

Charlotte Penn

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 07:47

I still think the street lights should only be on - between actual time of summer darkness and on till 1am. That would save the council loads, more money for important services. There was an interesting slot on the One Show last night. The cost savings are absolutely huge and there's now evidence that there's less crime!

Ray Marshall

Tue 29 Mar 2011, 07:07

Electricity is sheer luxury now Lol. In the late 40's, early 50's Charlbury was supplied by Wessex Electric and EVERY Sunday lunchtime when people put their cookers on, the power failed.

john h

Sun 27 Mar 2011, 23:02

Na! when I walked the dog there were guys working on the overheads, not sure what you are talking about, but it was simply an over head fault

John H

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 27 Mar 2011, 21:15

Where did you find this out from is there an online faults site? Thanks for the info but it always messes up my wireless network as there is a bit of waveband crowding in the immediate vicinity with too many transmitters and we need to a bit of jostling to get a signal of our own! Well people way back when 802.11 was being negotiated said that it was the wrong way to go because of contentions and of course that has been proven entirely correct. Perhaps we should all give up and install a single Charlbury wide web portal so that we can connect from anywhere in the street or pub... some US towns have done this.

john h

Sat 26 Mar 2011, 00:10

Bit of a problem on the overhead cables in Sturt Rd

Charlotte Penn

Fri 25 Mar 2011, 07:31

Does anyone know why we've had two powercuts over the last few days?

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