Stones at five ways?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 13 Feb 2006, 17:58

If you are concerned about the state of the road, best thing is to write a letter to Roger Clarke, Town Council, 9 Hill Close, and it can be brought up at the next Council meeting.

Geoff Belcher

Mon 13 Feb 2006, 16:12

Yes I know some are privatly owned, I own one and would like to have the forecourt repaired, but no good doing it if the council are not going to do there concrete. i would think if the council agreed perhaps the privateers would get them to do theirs at the same time and pay their share.I am concerned that some one will fall and injure themselves, if its on the private section who is responsible!!!

John Kearsey

Mon 13 Feb 2006, 15:23

For the record, some of the garages in Rochester Place are privately owned - at least mine is according to my deeds!

Geoff Belcher

Sat 11 Feb 2006, 08:21

How do we get a Home Zone,just check out the fore court of the council garages in Rochester Place, the drains collapes and the concrete is crumbling, heres where money would be well spent on improving the area.

john h

Fri 10 Feb 2006, 17:21

The old green seat is being stored by the Town Council. And will be restored and relocated, where I do not know yet


Tue 7 Feb 2006, 17:32

Resident only have thereselfs to 'blame' then. Perhaps the druids are allready resident in Charlbury (John 14th Dec). I'll make sure to iron my cloak ready for the summer solstise!!.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 7 Feb 2006, 14:16

Just to let you know that this was made a "Home Zone" by OCC and the money came from Europe. All the residents of Sturt Close and Hughes Close were consulted about what they would like, over a considerable period of tiem, and this is what they came up with. The "huge" signs were made incorrectly, and will be replaced by similar ones but very much smaller.

Paul Taylor

Mon 6 Feb 2006, 18:56

I am not saying MPs are not a waste off tax payers money or some wars are needless Lets vote on it. Who want the stones kept and who wants them gone ?


Mon 6 Feb 2006, 16:48

Can't 'stick my oar in' to much here as i am a resident of Finstock. However, John, what do you see Sturt Henge (great name by the way Alison!!) doing for you? I think plenty will agree with your comments reference what you see as a waste of money, but everyday i pass this i have to think who (i assume charlbury had a say) agreed to it? Same people as the gigantic road signs i guess?

Alison Siford

Mon 6 Feb 2006, 13:37

What has happened to the green iron bench which used to be where 'Sturt Henge' now is? The bench was in memory of a former resident of Hughes Close. Will it be relocated, and if so, where?

John Kearsey

Sun 5 Feb 2006, 12:17

What a negative lot you are! I can think of far more hideous wastes of taxpayers money - MP's salaries, unneccessary wars, PFI's etc. Lets get some perspective shall we?

Paul Taylor

Sat 4 Feb 2006, 17:14

How much did this cost as it seemed to take along time to build looks out of place and I dont want it. Can we knock some money from our tax bill as I sould not have to pay for such an eyesaw

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 18 Dec 2005, 23:21

Yes, he is, of a sort: see here. Remind me to introduce you to Google one day...

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 18 Dec 2005, 21:13

Eh? Williams? Druid? Or was that link supposed to go somewhere else in the site.

Excuse me if I am being thick!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 18 Dec 2005, 11:17

Given that Britain's most famous druid has a house in Charlbury, the idea of a henge is quite appealing!

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 16 Dec 2005, 23:01

Yes, I noticed that the other day (seldom seem to go that way). Just what, exactly, is going on? And how much is it costing?

The playground in 9 Acres is definitely getting tired. It could do with a pretty serious "Finstocking" indeed! That cost 30k I think - how much are the ersatz Henge stones?

Nick Owen

Thu 15 Dec 2005, 10:01

I am waiting to see the final product before I judge the stones at five ways.
Speaking as a druid and a poet the idea of standing stones with poetry written on them is appealing.
Judging by the town rad signs it will probably say keep off the grass.

kate southey

Wed 14 Dec 2005, 22:13

It's yet another hideous waste of tax payers money! And like Graham said, something for the local oiks to write obscenities on.
Just revolting.
Alice, it's actually part of the "Home Zone" scheme. It's supposed to make people proud of their environment and their 'neighbourhood'
Of course some nice trees and redoing the play park was far too much like good sense so we got something totally hideous and out of place for a town which is by and large entirely encompassed by a conservation order.

graham W

Wed 14 Dec 2005, 19:15

Great, yet another place for Vandals to write Graffiti

John Kearsey

Wed 14 Dec 2005, 16:04

I think we're just waiting for the druids to show up!


Wed 14 Dec 2005, 10:52

Does anyone know what the big stones are opposite the five ways shop? and what the wall is being built for!?

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