FED UP with unwanted Royal Mail leaflets ??

K Harper

Wed 26 Mar, 16:23

I posted a letter to an address just 13 miles away with first class stamp on T 4th March and it was delivered, unfranked on Thursday 13th March!  Sad thing was it was regarding a funeral on Monday 10th which of course was missed by the recipient . . . 

Charlie M

Wed 26 Mar, 15:26

They cannot even deliver letters reliably! This very morning, a kind lady rang my bell after finding a letter addressed to me lying on the pavement!

Thank you, whoever you are! 

Peter Evans
👍 2

Wed 26 Mar, 12:39

On the other hand, given the decline in letter sending, this may be helping in keeping the universal RM service going

K Harper
👍 1

Tue 25 Mar, 20:33

OR just pop them back in the post box . . . ?

Sabina Marland
👍 4

Tue 25 Mar, 19:58

Your postman cannot stop unwanted mail.

Mine kindly suggested a remedy!  

Google:  royal mail door to door opt out 

the right page will come up, select, print off, fill in and send/hand into post office!

Or call 0345 774 0740 

or email opt@royalmail.com

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