250ml portions at Beer Fest?

graham W

Thu 14 Jul 2005, 08:43

Forget about President Blair, Golden Brown and their cronies etc, lets stick to the proper measure a PINT, instead of "Landlord, can I have 286ml of your finest ale"

If we all stick to this there is no confusion, however it does seem odd though, when GB's baby was born, he stated that the baby was Xlbs & Xoz, our roads are marked up as miles, our cars do mph - Funny old world!!

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 13 Jul 2005, 22:50

Got my measures mixed up ... I was thinking about 1/4 pint, ISTR a glass size in Holland which was bigger than 125 ... 135, 150?? Perhaps they were 125, and my memory from when I was working there a 1/4 century ago is fading ...

The idea wasn't to save quantity, it was to be able to get around a much larger range of the beers available. In the end both of us were there with the kids on and off over most of the day, and were therefore able to decant half of the 1/2 pint into the other person's glass. Therefore we probably got through 6 or 8 pints between us, but managed to sample most of the range available. That wasn't an option if it had been just one of us in turns.

125ml may be a mere mouthful to some people, but to light drinkers who have a taste for good brews, a couple of mouthfuls was about what it took, so one could get around the selection without getting smashed (or hospitalised in my case if there was an interaction with medication)!

OK, things like the ability to purchase glasses of the correct size over here, or in appropriate quantities, may be a problem, but if its some silly quantity for minimum order, can't they, for example, be undated and used up over a number of events...? If someone can store them...

We weren't the only ones splitting halves, I noticed.

Dave Sangwine

Mon 11 Jul 2005, 22:05

I'm not sure I understand this. There are 568mls in a pint (if I remember correctly). Half a pint is 284 mls. A 250ml glass would not make that much difference and we'd need to sell it at 88p. I know some continentals drink 125mls of liquid but that's less than a quarter of a pint (a mere mouthful to many people). To summarize, 16 * 250ml drinks is 4 litres, which is 7.07 pints. You'll save just under a pint....

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 23:25

Ho Hum. Well we could always bring our own 1/2 pint mugs and then buy halves and split them between us. I wouldn't be just on the floor with 8 pints nowadays, I'd be in hospital. How do I recognise you ;-)

Ye Gads, hospital. When I wuz 18 and on gas pipeline work we were sinking in excess of 10 pint a day easy - and that was just the working day, and we were among the lighter drinkers (my gang). Says a lot for hardy young livers, and very hard manual work in very hot weather.

Does just turning 50 make me into an old fogey, even if I only just got around to the breeding bit a short while back and am to be seen wandering around with a 3yr old quite often and, yes, sprogget has been asked if he likes being out with grandad.. and when I've been strolling with a much younger mum I have also had the "you dirty old man" glare. Just cannae win...!) err as I was saying, I was disturbed at the level of public displays of out of control intoxication on Saturday night at the music festival. By 'eck we were heavy drinkers and much else besides way back then, but it was seen as something somewhat shameful for a young man (much less a young women, perish the thought) to be not "in control" to some level. Holding your drink was a significant determinant of your manhood or lack of it.

I don't think post modernity has brought an improvement in that regard. Oh, and as for some of the teenagers around the back of the hedges: Sex was discovered before your generation of teenies.

We found it in 1969/70 or so around the back of the Parish Hall. So there.

kate southey

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 21:35

Sounds like a suggestion for next year!! I have to go around stealing sips from other peoples beers to get the full range of brewerys and flavours and not end up on the floor, as it is in half pints. so it's a great suggestion! I think the only problem is ordering suitable glasses, unless they just half fill half pints?
I'm sure someone from the committee will see this post!
Kate x

Malcolm Blackmore

Fri 8 Jul 2005, 18:33

Not being much of a drinker (alch don't mix too well with opiates or fibromyalgia!) my intake of the attractive range of beers will be somewhat curtailed.

Now, if they were in 250ml continental sized small servings, one could try 16 different brews for the equivalent of 4 pint, rather than 8 halves.

Any chance ....??? Or for next year?

Or perhaps this is already done? Not been to one before.

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