Does anyone have any spare spring bulbs / plants?

Emily Algar
👍 3

Thu 27 Feb, 09:09

I've moved snowdrops, primroses, aconites in flower and they've all been fine. Crocuses might be more delicate, but I don't think there are any hard or fast rules. 

Helen Chapman
👍 1

Thu 27 Feb, 07:38 (last edited on Thu 27 Feb, 17:06)

Thanks all for the advice - I’ve moved snowdrops “in the green” before and have had success. Less sure about the crocuses but I’ll give it a go - and I agree the primroses should be fine - I moved some a couple of weeks ago and they’ve settled in fine.

Valerie Stewart
👍 2

Wed 26 Feb, 10:53

I don't know about the rest, but snowdrops are definitely moved when they're 'in the green,' after they've stopped flowering but their leaves haven't yet turned yellow.   I used to have a bank covered in them, and every year friends came around to help themselves and we moved the remainder around so they'd be in place for next year.   

stephen cavell
👍 4

Wed 26 Feb, 08:46

I grew some 20acres of bulbs and corms (anemones) and polyanthus as cut flowers as a youth in Cornwall. I later worked for the Ministry of Ag at their Experimental Station in Cornwall. It is on that experience I base my comments.

Liz Reason
👍 1

Wed 26 Feb, 08:28

I've been shifting primroses and they're absolutely fine. They're very hardy.

stephen cavell
👍 3

Wed 26 Feb, 07:30

Helen it is the wrong time of the year to move spring flowering  plants. One normally moves them after flowering and leaf die back. Now is the time to mark where you want to be for next year.

Helen Chapman

Wed 26 Feb, 06:59

Thank you both - I have loads of snowdrops and crocuses now, but some primroses would be lovely. I can collect at the weekend.

Liz Reason
👍 3

Tue 25 Feb, 18:14

I have absolutely loads of primroses - yellow mainly. I'd be happy for anyone who wants some to come and collect. And snowdrops.

Elisabeth Partington
👍 1

Tue 25 Feb, 09:22

Hi Helen,

I have loads of primroses you can have, if you want. Please message me on my mobile 07800 744787 to arrange when you want to come and dig them out of my lawn!


Helen Chapman

Sat 22 Feb, 14:28

I'm looking for snowdrops, crocuses, primroses, aconites etc. If anyone has any spare, please let me know.

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