Thank You Richard

Suzanne Chavda

Thu 20 Feb, 19:54

I totally agree & support the sentiments of the various posts.  Thank you Richard.

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Thu 20 Feb, 08:26

Thanks Richard for what is at times a thankless task.

michele marietta
👍 5

Wed 19 Feb, 21:12 (last edited on Wed 19 Feb, 21:12)

Ta Richard. You’re da best!!

We HAVE found our cat and we DO recommend Ed Bradbury. No missing packages, though. :)

Brigid Avison
👍 21

Wed 19 Feb, 17:23

I frequently tell friends that one of the many boons of living in Charlbury is this website, and they are very envious! And we have the added bonus of a Chief Moderator who combines wit with wisdom and clarity. Thank you, Richard, may you continue for another quarter century when surely the world will need all the wit, wisdom and clarity it can get.

John Partington
👍 8

Wed 19 Feb, 12:52

Hear hear!  And, I might add, where would we find an outlet for seeing our own opinions in print?

Thank you, Richard!

Chris Potts
👍 47

Wed 19 Feb, 12:41

Following on from Richard’s post about the changes to the Forum, I just wanted to say how grateful I am to Richard and the other admins for all the work that goes into running the Forum. I thought the pub landlord analogy was excellent. Charlbury would just not be the same without the Forum. Without the Forum what would I discuss over supper, or read when I am off on my summer holidays. Thank you. 

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