New PCSO - many thanks.

Hannen Beith
👍 2

Mon 17 Feb, 17:25 (last edited on Tue 18 Feb, 08:53)

The PCSOs are , imo, very good.

Antisocial behaviour?  In Charlbury?  Come now.

I've experienced number plate theft, slashed tyres, wing mirrors torn off, "keying", objectionable items thrown over into my garden, attempted break ins, and just this morning, a man urinating at the obsolete bus shelter opposite.

You need deep pockets to live here as all this stuff is within my insurance excess.  Well, perhaps not the urination.

The second home owners and airbnbs don't help.  I hope that the Council get a grip and save us all money by doing what many Cornish and Welsh  and Ox City Council local authorities have done, and impose swingeing Council Tax increases on them.  

Valerie Stewart
👍 4

Mon 17 Feb, 14:41

I've just met the new Police Community Support Officer - lovely lass called Lisa - checking whether there's any antisocial behaviour around here.    I told her a little about Bryanna, our Youth Ambassador, and that there's uproar from the old folk when we've had an extra shot of Nesquik, and that it's a lovely place to live and a strong community. 

Kudos to the police for being proactive.   

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