Feeder and Niger seed Free

Hannen Beith
👍 1

Mon 10 Feb, 23:37


"In 2024, the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch reported a decline of over 60% in greenfinch sightings since the 1970s"

I don't know about other finches.

Best to follow Chris Packham's advice and refrain from having bird tables.  A silent killer, it spreads diseases.  Instead, plant Rowans and Cotoneaster and anything else with berries.  Lovely to see, and much safer for our feathered friends.

Sabina Marland

Mon 10 Feb, 17:16

If anyone has finches and would like a feeder and 1kg seed - you're welcome!

None in my garden!!  

Sabina 07946 915317

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