Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend

Andrew Greenfield
👍 4

Tue 28 Jan, 10:31

We saw many more birds this year than last but we do feed them a lot!

Feral pigeons 3,  House sparrow 3, Bull finch 2, Gold finch 6, Chaffinch 4, Collared dove 6, Green finch 3, Blackcap 1, Jackdaw 3, Robin 2, Blackbird 3, Blue tit 1, Sparrow hawk 1.

Not surprisingly the sparrow hawk frightened all the smaller birds away whilst it sat on our fence but they were all back again after about 5 minutes once it flew.

Anne Miller
👍 5

Mon 27 Jan, 13:12

Observations in my garden over an hour at lunchtime on Saturday:


Long Tailed Tit

Great Tit

Blue Tit (x2)

Coal Tit


Robin (x2)






Wood pigeons (x2)


Alex Gerrard
👍 2

Mon 27 Jan, 10:55

It’s encouraging to see the number of finches that have been present this weekend from the initial returns.

Please send your results in to so that we can compile a comprehensive view of what is about just now and for future comparison. 


Flora Gregory
👍 1

Sat 25 Jan, 10:34

Big Garden Birdwatch is the UK's biggest citizen science survey.

We've lost 38 million birds from our skies in the last 60 years.

Spend an hour watching the birds on your patch this weekend and as well as sending your data to the RSPB, please share here or at

This is a part of Charlbury's Nature Recovery towards 2030. 

Thank you. 

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