Local Govt History Memory knowledge needed

Hans Eriksson

Mon 20 Jan, 15:28

Gareth, I just saw you at the uplands committee! You must move very fast.

Gareth Epps

Mon 20 Jan, 15:14

Tower Hamlets did it from 1986.  There’s a report about it here.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 20 Jan, 15:12

Relevant to the Thread ongoing about Local Guvmint, Unitary Authorities or not to Unify etc.

Formulating as many variants of a "Google" have failed, alas, alas.

In a Local Authority back in the mid/late 70s, in the (West?) Midlands the policy of comprehensively implementing Council Services of most kinds was part of a major devolvement from centralised "Town Hall" in favour of a "Localisation" programme with "Neighbourhood Offices" or Centres" (the exact nomenclature escapes my - frighteningly failing memory and recall). Both of us are distressed at our memory failures, particularly as we were quite involved in the processes nearly 50 years ago.

Any one recall the Council? Steve Bubb - you were a Councillor in an Inner London Borough (and a not very full implementation of "Localisation" ... but another time eh?). Who was it? It's driving me batty! 

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