Deborah Longshaw |
Wed 15 Jan, 19:56 Worth also giving him a dose of Pireton - dogs are allowed to take these but it must be Pireton. My dog suffers from allergies and it is a god send. |
George Ogier |
Wed 15 Jan, 15:29 I have read that mixing water and cider vinegar to use for soaking irritated paws works well but it might be worth googling for correct ratios and application. |
john h |
Wed 15 Jan, 15:07 May be young stinging nettles starting to emerge, have had the same symptom with my dog. John H |
Sue Normand |
Tue 14 Jan, 19:01 Twice in the last 3 weeks a friend has walked her dog when visiting us, a cocker spaniel. 1st time along from Walcot, and admittedly he does run on the fields. When back in the house he was beside himself trying to chew and lick his paws, which got quite hot. After washing them which didn't seem help, we put them in ice which definitely did but it took an hour before he calmed down. Similarly but not quite as strong reaction walking on Salt way to left from the lodges on sunday. Has anyone else had such a reaction or ideas what it might be? Thank you |
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