The Wilderness Festival at Cornbury


Tue 1 Feb 2011, 15:49

To be honest if someone has complained about the Rememberence Day parade then there pretty sad with nothing better to do than moan about things.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 1 Feb 2011, 11:50

I spoke to the man I understood to be the organiser of the remembrance event and he said he had heard of no such complaint. So it seems the complaint went to the Town Council!! Well well.

Christine Battersby

Tue 1 Feb 2011, 09:55

At the Town Council, Nick Potter reported that in his capacity as Chair he had received a complaint about the noise of the Remembrance Day Ceremony. Whether the complaint was about the bagpipes or bugle of the Last Post (which is what I thought was said), I'm less sure. The name of the complainant was not mentioned.

It's true that everyone in the room laughed, as the complaint seemed so ridiculous & also completely outrageous, but why Jon thinks the whole matter is simply a hoax I'm not sure.

Malcolm Blackmore

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 22:57


Derek Collett

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 21:28

Yes, and even worse Richard he also said something along the lines of "I don't need to say any more on this topic because Derek Collett has dealt with all the concerns raised" when (a) I hadn't, (b) I'm not a member of the NLG or associated with it in any way and (c) it's not my responsibility to draft their manifesto for them or to act as their (unpaid) spokesman. Blooming cheek!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 20:48

Regardless of the rights and wrongs of the noise issue, I don't think Mr Hofman is doing his cause any favours with his approach to communication.

The forum is a read/write medium. When you post, you expect that people will reply to your posting. That's why there's a "Post a reply" form! And, in turn, it is expected that you have the courtesy to read others' replies, and (politely) respond to them.

In this case, though, the initial posting was followed by radio silence, then "I'll post a reply later", then "No I won't", then radio silence again (full list). Given this complete lack of communication from the putative Noise Limitation Group and its founder, rumours will inevitably arise about bagpipers and the Farmers' Market and heaven knows what else.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 19:50

I think it has become irresistibly tempting to make jokes at Mark Hofman's expense. I have made enquiries and am satisfied that the bagpipe rumour is a hoax (so far, anyway!!). As to the farmers' market, well, who knows? I doubt it, somehow. God, I hope I'm right...

Julie Negus

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 17:56

The more I read these threds the more ridiculous it's getting.
Sorry but the Bagpipes have just summed the whole thing up for me.

Charlbury is a beautiful town with great diversity and fantastic events. When they are holding daily events of such noise levels that disrupt your lives then you have cause for concern.

Until then for those of you that don't like it, I sugest you make the most of the railway and book a one way ticket.

Elizabeth Watson

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 16:38

@Dave: Lol....loving the name and shame! Perhaps we should rename this thread as: Wikileaks! ;-)

Richard Cocks

Mon 31 Jan 2011, 14:05

I cannot believe that any decent citizen would object to a Remembrance Day Parade with bagpipes taking place in Charlbury. We should also remember that Charlbury is/was a Market Town - it is so described for the populace at large, visitors and prospective house purchasers, on the signs so thoughtfully placed on the approaches to the town. Let us hope that common sense will prevail in all of this and that the ringing of the church bells on Sundays,and at weddings and on practice nights, is not the next target for the Noise Limitation Group. A sense of time and place and perspective is required and Charlbury should be allowed to live and breathe and not be stifled in this way.

Peter Evans

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 20:59

I hope that Mr Hofman, if he is indeed the person who has launched the appeal, will be paying all the costs associated with this, when it is inevitably turned down, as opposed to leaving it to the rest of the taxpayers.

Dave Oates

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 18:08

The appeal has been lodged by Mark Hoffman who it seems has no interest in the views of the community at large. After all, I believe this is the same person that complained about the bagpipes at The Rememberence Day parade and also the disruption and noise (!) caused by the Farmers Market! I am therefore extremely concerned about what his next target will be - Riverside? The Beer Festival? Street Fair? The noise that comes from the football pitches on a Saturday afternoon? A particularly loud wood pigeon? No-one should understimate the damage this man wants to do to what makes Charlbury what it is

Alan Hanks

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 14:51

Why is it that people move to Charlbury knowing what goes on, and then seek to change everything. What happened to live and let live. We have always had a vibrant, sometimes noisy community, what is wrong with that?
Why not live and let live as it always used to be.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 09:48

Have you not read the thread at ?

Malcolm Blackmore

Sun 30 Jan 2011, 00:34

Shame on the objectors,,,Reveal yourselves. Spoil the whole school hols for a lot of the local kids who would be deprived of a safe and secure site right within walking distance. Tell me where and when to go for any demos and who to write to in support of the Wilderness Festival (make it a mouse click easy option) and I will try and turn up to make the point about these spoil sports (father of 13 yr old and 8 yr old who love Riverside and Cornbury).

Suzy M-H

Sat 29 Jan 2011, 14:55

The appellant, whoever that may be, probably doesn't give two hoots about supporters of the festival's feelings. Let's concentrate our efforts on influencing the outcome of the appeal. Could someone please post again where we should direct our letters or emails to? Then get everyone we know who's on Facebook or Twitter to post the address on their page, email all our friends with the address, etc. This may be been said before but noise and traffic are the main issues the Council consider so it's essential to state whether or not these have affected you when the festival's on. Anything else you say may not be taken into account.

Do we know on what grounds an appeal has been granted? In reply to my email to Bill Oddy, he said there were "zero noise complaints arising from the Cornbury Music Festival during the last year and the sound levels which have always been within the prescribed limits set by WODC, and are based on guidance by the World Health Organisation. These have never been breached." Enough said.

John Munro

Fri 28 Jan 2011, 20:13

Well, it would appear that an appeal has now been formally lodged against the licence that was approved the other week.
Because of the due processes of law, I believe that it could be at least a month before the magistrates would consider the appeal and I am just wondering whether this delay would put the staging of this year's festival at risk?
Allegedly, it would appear that there are still a number of locals still in opposition to the licence approval.
Notwithstanding the potential lose of a very enjoyable event for many thousand people, assuming that the CSA and Pre-School are intending to take part again this year, this latest news must surely put their fund-raising efforts in jeopardy.
I do hope that the appellant realises the full implications of his/her actions.
Has anyone got any ideas on how we can get the appellant to understand the true feelings of support within the town?

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