Is our Nature cared for?

Flora Gregory

Sat 4 Jan, 15:31

Looks like there are a few Nature related issues which are of concern !

Everyone is welcome to the  Nature Recovery Tea Party on at the Memorial Hall next Saturday 11 Jan 2-5pm,  see new thread. 

Hans Eriksson

Sat 4 Jan, 14:49

I will be there. 

Charlbury has three Conservation Target Areas CTA, as defined in the Neighbourhood plan. Where there shall be no development. Even so there is a planning application for development in one, see

It has been live for more than a year, and WODC planning has not refused it, even though they shoud have, unclear why. The applicant has not demonstrated the legally required 10% increase in Biodiversity.

I don't think this is caring for our Nature. You can still object to the development if you are concerned about biodiversity and caring for our Nature.

Mark Gregory
👍 3

Sat 4 Jan, 13:09

This is a really important event. Lots of people complain about the natural world being eroded. This is a chance for different groups and people around Charlbury to come up with ideas and plans to actually do something about it locally. I care about river quality and making sure Charlbury stays friendly for swifts. I'll be there on January 11th - partly cos I'm looking forward to a nice cup of tea and a piece of cake......

Graham Terry
👍 4

Fri 3 Jan, 16:39

Biodiversity has plummeted (even in Charlbury). If you value the Nature around us you can do something about it. Come to the Nature Year Recovery Tea Party on 11th January (2-5pm Memorial Hall) and find out how - and share your ideas with others. (and with tea and cakes!)

To kick things off maybe you could respond here with your thoughts. My priority is river quality – what is yours?

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