Cornbury festivals - site policy

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 20 Jan 2011, 14:56

You can call it what you like, of course, but I'd think "the Cornbury Festival at Great Tew" or "the Great Tew festival" would avoid ambiguity.

John Munro

Thu 20 Jan 2011, 12:08

To also help with clarity, should we all now agree to called the festival on the Rotherwick's estate - 'The Wilderness Festival' in all future postings and only use the words 'Cornbury Festival' when specifically meaning the one at Great Tew?

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 20 Jan 2011, 11:21

Hello all,

As preparations go forward for the Cornbury Festival at Great Tew and the Wilderness Festival at Cornbury (confusing, isn't it?) I've no doubt there'll be more discussion here about everything from the practical aspects to the music line-up.

I don't intend to list the Great Tew event in the news, events or adverts pages, or approve submissions on the subject, except in really exceptional circumstances. We don't list events in even our neighbouring villages of Chadlington, Enstone or Stonesfield, nor the nearby music festivals at Blenheim or Chipping Norton, so Great Tew would be a bit of a stretch. The Great Tew event's website is at , and people who are interested can of course find more details there.

But if anyone wants to discuss the Great Tew event here in the forum, I don't intend to enforce the "Charlbury-related" guideline too strictly there.

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