Helen Josephine Wright |
Wed 1 Jan, 18:49 Most cars seem to be travelling at around 30th over the last few days, rather sad 😢 |
Hans Eriksson |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 17:36 I have checked the speedo in both my cars against a GPS supported app (here we go) and found that they are both very accurate (one needs to consider inclines etc but on flat ground GPS supported speed measurement is accurate). It helps I can display the speed digitally in both cars. I find that radar speed sign thus quite accurate. I have no idea why it told you you were walking at 21mph - revenge of the AI programmed microchip? |
Graham Wisker |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 11:50 Shot passed the speed sensor the other day at 95mph and it pinged up 94, then realised that my speedo needs to be re-calibrated. |
Simon J Harley |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 10:32 If it detected Alan as doing 21mph, it would be interesting to see what it detected the couple of cars a few mornings ago who must have been doing 50+mph down the Slade pass Dancers Hill. It’s beyond me why, in my opinion, we are wasting money on parking schemes and not actually making the roads safer with traffic calming and pot hole repairs. I guess I will be informed by those in the know that it’s “a different pot of money” or “a different councils problem” but that’s a discussion for another day. |
Hans Eriksson |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 10:29 One can download a speed measuerment app. These normally use GPS so should be fairly accurate. |
Chris Arnold |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 10:14 I think the accuracy is around +-10%. As a driver I set my cruise control to 20mph. As I approach it typically registers anything from 18-21mph. Might be my cruise control is on the optimistic side. It was worse when the sign was on the other side near dancers hill and suspect it all depends on the angle your vehicle is to the sign, whether that be closer/further to the verge, taller/shorter than the ‘average’ vehicle height (so detection beam is either hitting a generally vertical front of the car or a sloping windscreen) - or coming over a hill so the perspective changes as you approach |
Alan Cobb |
Tue 31 Dec 2024, 07:35 There was one car coming the other way, though it wasn't going very fast (so far as I could judge, given the angle). Doesn't give any confidence in the gadget if it can't tell which way the traffic is going! |
Harriet Baldwin |
Mon 30 Dec 2024, 20:07 Were there cars going the other way? When there as one up there before it seemed to mistakenly be reading cars coming both directions |
Alan Cobb |
Mon 30 Dec 2024, 19:49 The radar speed sign on the Slade by the zebra crossing flashed a red 21 at me followed by the sad red face. OK, I walk at a fair pace, but 21mph, no way! (There were no cars coming up behind either.) |
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