Support for Cornbury

Richard Cocks

Mon 14 Feb 2011, 17:25

I have seen on the news tab that in May there is to be a ball hosted by Cornbury Park in support of the Special Effect charity which does amazing things to allow severely disabled children to play computer games.Recently I was lucky enough to meet Mick Donegan who is one of the experts carrying out this work - he has even made playing games possible for children who can only move their eyes! He is passionate about his work and hopefully the ball will prove to be a great fundraiser for the charity who incidentally are delighted to be able to hold the event without having the trouble and expense of applying for a temporary events notice now that Cornbury have been granted a premises licence.

Jenny Chambers

Thu 27 Jan 2011, 07:48

Following last evening's Town Council meeting, it is a relief to be able to report that, with the Cornbury premises licence now granted, the TC has said that it is keen to move forward on this issue. It was expressly stated that the TC would not lodge or support an appeal against the granting of the licence.

Jenny Chambers

Sat 22 Jan 2011, 11:53

John, I think it would be worth attending the Town Council's meeting/s! And shall do so.

I've today, by email, asked the Town Council to withdraw their objection to the Cornbury premises licence and to explicitly express their support for Cornbury's upcoming events. Given the safeguards built in to the amended licence, I want them to send a clear message to the Charlburians who are apt to follow their lead.

Re WODC- I've emailed Paul Cracknell (Principal Committee Officer) because he wrote to me giving me the Licensing Panel's decision.

Ali Ross

Fri 21 Jan 2011, 12:48

I, my wife, my kids and my extended family love Charlbury as much for the occasional outbursts of noisy fun as for the long periods of companionable tranquillity they punctuate. Take away the festivals, fetes and fundays and the town becomes not just quiet, but dead as the anteroom to a Swiss euthanasia parlour.

John Munro

Thu 20 Jan 2011, 17:14

OK, so who feels it would be worth attending that meeting on Monday, and/or the Wednesday one?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 20 Jan 2011, 16:08

The Town Council holds its "Planning and Correspondence meeting" on Monday 24 January at 7.30pm in the Corner House.

According to the agenda, "Lord Rotherwick will be present to discuss events at Cornbury for 2011." All meetings are open to the public.

Items on the agenda of the full Town Council Meeting on Weds Jan 26 (also in the Corner House and also open to the public) include the library, licensing, affordable housing and snow clearance.

John Munro

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 16:51

Roger has now confirmed that the decision of the Licencing Panel will be read to the Councillors along with any emails, such as the one I sent earlier today.
Therefore can I please implore that everyone - both original supporters and objectors who are now happy with the final decision - to make there feelings known in writing/email to the Town Council, as suggested above by Jon, so that our Councillors are left in no doubt about the majority feeling there is in Charlbury.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 16:42

Roger can only say what the council says. As it hasn't met yet, he can't really say much. And individual councillors can't say what they think at this stage because they have to appear open-minded at the debate. What he is not saying is whether this is going to be on the agenda... I guess that's a decision between him and the chair.

John Munro

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 16:21

I know this is probably playing with semantics, but your reply from the Town Clerk only says that if an appeal was indeed lodged, he would not expect it to be the Town Council doing so. What it doesn't say anywhere is that the Town Council are happy with the terms of the final approval and also it doesn't say that they wouldn't support an appeal by another party!
I think there would be a lot more Charlbury residents happier, if they simply made such a statement.

Christine Battersby

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 15:25

My email to the Town Council (sent today) received the following response: "the views of the Town Council were made in respect of the licence application which has been granted with conditions. Those views cannot now be withdrawn. I am not aware of an appeal but if one is made I would not expect it to be the Town Council doing so. I would hope that the Estate can now manage its events within the terms of the licence as granted."

I'm still waiting to hear back from Bill Oddy at WODC.

John Munro

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 11:39

Formal emails duly sent by me to both Charlbury Town Council and Bill Odddy at WODC, as suggested by Jon.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 10:33

Jenny: letters/emails via Bill Oddy to the licensing panel don't prevent an appeal being heard. They DO give a context to the appellants' case and make it more likely that the appeal will be denied.

John: ask the Town Council to revise their original objection by writing immediately to the Town Clerk, Roger Clarke, not just by making suggestions on the forum (which have no official status whatever). Anyone can attend the meeting, but you can only speak with prior permission (as explained already).

Jenny Chambers

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 09:46

Jon, I've been pondering along the very same lines...

It seems to me that the benefit of posting on our forum is that the would-be objectors may become better informed about the feelings and views of other Charlburians and the inevitable and irreparable damage that an appeal would cause. It's no longer about them 'making a point'- a further delay would compromise the staging of a Cornbury Park music festival this summer. And it could well be the case, as it has been with other rural institutions, that once it's gone, it's gone permanently. Momentum is vital. Although some of the remaining objectors may be gleeful about that outcome, I'd like to think that others would take a fairer view and will now accept the status quo. They've had their pound of flesh!

Yes, let's write to Bill Oddy but I'm pretty sure our letters won't mean he can disregard an appeal, if it's lodged. And it is the potential grindings of appeal process that is our biggest headache.

John Munro

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 08:45

I can see that the next Town Council Meeting is next Wednesday (26th Jan) at 7:30pm in the Corner House.
Do you know whether the Town Council are going to review their original decision about objecting to the licence in the light of the original application being watered down and trhen further amended by the panel before it was approved?
Do supporters need to attend this next meeting to ensure that the council are left in no doubt about the strong support from Charlbury residents, that the majority of Charlbury do not object and that quite a number of the original objectors have changed their stance since the amendments were made?
I sincerely hope that an appeal is not lodged, as it would surely come from what is now a very small minority of residents, but if it did happen, then surely we cannot be caught on the hop with deadlines etc and bodies like the Town Council should be ready to express the current views of Charlbury as a whole and not be left with the situation we had at the hearing where they had to start their address by stating that their statement of objection was based on the original application.
If supporters do need to attend to re-assert our views, do we need to register in advance our intentions and our wishes to possible address the council?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 08:33

I think you are right, Cally. Mistrust does run deep. But it is clear to me that the objectors have got what they wanted with regard to no proliferation of noisy events at Cornbury, and in my view rightly so. It is also clear that Cornbury will only be allowed to continue with the number and type of events they have held in the past, and that there can only ever be one loud 'music festival' on the site each year. This too is all they wanted, despite the original overblown application.

Where I think you are wrong, Cally, is in suggesting that what is posted on this forum makes a shred of difference to the licensing process or to a decision on appeal. I think it is now VERY important for those who are content with the outcome to write to Bill Oddy and say so. I shall do so today. This is especially true for people who objected originally, but equally true for people who have silently supported the application all along.

Of course this does nothing to allay the fears of people who want as little as possible to happen in Charlbury, who only want their kind of music, their kind of event, any kind of noise as long it's noise they approve of. That's an impossible and unrealistic expectation for anyone to have, but it doesn't stop people having it!

Meanwhile, as many people as possible should write to Bill Oddy and voice their support for the licensing panel's decision. This summer's festival should be allowed to take place and give pleasure to the thousands of people who will attend, and to raise thousands of pounds of pounds for local charities. It's a one-off event and a one-off opportunity for people to enjoy themselves, and if it keeps me awake for an extra hour for a couple of nights, I shan't mind. I'm glad to live and work in a vibrant and lively community and proud to do so.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 18 Jan 2011, 00:09

If you go to the Town Council website the new dates for this year are now up!

Cally Robson

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 22:54

Indeed there ARE still objectors, though I think they're keeping a low profile and working behind the scenes.

I came across another yesterday. And was keen to understand just what the sticking point is. It seems mistrust runs deep. Even in the face of evidence.

I heard today that WODC have moved the deadline for appeals against the licensing decision back a week. Would they have done that without a request?

Whatever the objectors reasons, it's their right to object. I don't feel it's up to me to dissuade them. Or hold it against them. It is what it is.

But it IS up to me to make a stand for what I value. Part of that is a sense of fairness, as well as valuing the benefits of Cornbury events to the local community and beyond.

Even if that means getting my tin helmet out ;)

By the way, if you're a supporter and reading this but holding back on posting til we know an objection is being lodged, that'll be too late. We were outnumbered at the original licensing panel hearing because too many of us chose to remain a silent majority.

Much better to head it off at the pass by voicing support now.

Best regards to all, Cally

John Munro

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 21:35

Can there really be any serious objectors left, bearing in mind all the messages that have been posted on the forum over the weekend?

Jenny Chambers

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 19:20

Many thanks Jon. You pre-empted my next question!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 16:54

OK, it's at 7.30pm on Wednesday January 26 in the Corner House.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 16:14

Seems the list of Town Council meetings is in fact for 2010. Let's hope they update it soon and broadcast the news here when they have done so.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 15:37

The Town Council next meets on Jan 27 and will presumably decide its position then. You can address the meeting yourself with prior permission. See

Jenny Chambers

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 13:32

Adding to John's post of Saturday, I too would like to know where the Town Council now stand on this and to nail their colours to the mast. As at yesterday, at least one objector is still objecting based on the the fact that she is happy to believe what she's told by a councillor but not what she's told by The Rotherwicks.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 11:26

As Tania Rotherwick has emailed more than 50 of the objectors and supporters, and telephoned others. people will hopefully be replying with exactly this kind of helpful suggestion.

Tania Rotherwick

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 11:25

Just to clarify, the date of the Wilderness Festival has yet to be decided and will be a funtion of the talent that is booked.

Kate Smith

Mon 17 Jan 2011, 10:17

Given that Cornbury/The Rotherwicks have chosen to have the new festival on the same weekend as Hugh Phillimore is planning to hold the re-located 'Cornbury Festival' in Great Tew, I was wondering how local groups were going to respond. Hugh said in his TV interview that he was hoping to have all the previous stalls - Pre-school tea tent, Riverside stage etc - but is anyone planning to support this? Have groups enough resources to man two events simultaneously? Is there any likelihood of persuading The Rotherwicks to opt for a different weekend (As I believe HP announced his date first) which would presumably then allow twice the local fund-raising opportunities? Christine's post seems to suggest that's possible. Is it worth trying to encourage this - any views?

Ben Peters

Sun 16 Jan 2011, 21:37

As treasurer of the Pre-School I can also confirm that local events, particularly the previous Cornbury events, have contributed significantly to fund-raising.

In response to John on the vitality of the revenue from Cornbury, it is a fact that the Pre-School, a charity, would have run at a significant loss last year if it had not been for the money raised at the Cornbury festival. This is due to a natural dip in student numbers, and we must be able to ride through those dips in order to provide an ongoing service to the community. The funds raised at the Cornbury festival would be very hard to achieve through other events as there is not such a density of paying punters at any other (although every little helps of course).

I personally support local events like Cornbury as exciting, interesting and fun events that make Charlbury such a great place to live. Let's not lose that!

Alison Cavendish

Sun 16 Jan 2011, 21:04

As a member of the Charlbury School Association and parent to two children at the primary school, I can affirm that the Cornbury Festival, the Beer Festival and the Street Fair are all vital to our fundraising efforts. Those funds play a huge role in the school lives of Charlbury children - they pay for playground equipment, outings and swimming among other things. We continue to be immensely grateful to all the organisers of these events for their unstinting support. Like many people in Charlbury, I too am aghast at the idea that a small minority of people seem to want to put a stop to these vibrant events, which seem to be regarded as a nuisance, but which are so important on so many levels - creative, social and economic - to our town.

John Munro

Sun 16 Jan 2011, 17:42

Is there anyone from the Charlbury Pre-School or Charlbury School Association who would be prepared to express via the Forum how vital the approval of the licence was, so that the 'replacement' Cornbury festival can now go ahead and thereby giving the Pre-School and CSA the opportunity to continue raising such vital funds via the festival?
Conversely, how disasterous would it be to both associations if they didn't have the ability to raise money at the festival?

Christine Battersby

Sat 15 Jan 2011, 15:57

I would certainly be happy to express my full support. Even though in the end I decided not to put in a formal objection, I did share my worries about the original Cornbury Park application on this forum.

I think that the eventual revised application is excellent. My one remaining concern is the coincidence of festival dates, but I haven't lost hope that common sense might also prevail here. Lord Rotherwick seemed to backtrack slightly on the date in an interview that I heard.

If both festivals went ahead for the first weekend in July, the confusion at Charlbury railway station -- advertised as the closest rail-link on both festival sites -- can only be imagined. I think those coming by car would also be likely to end up at the wrong place. Even the heading of this thread is a clear indication of the likelihood for confusion!

John Munro

Sat 15 Jan 2011, 14:48

I am sure that there must be many other original objectors who are now happy with the outcome and who would want to distance themselves from any potential appeal. Are you privvy to anything that might suggest an appeal is being proposed?
I would also be extremely interested in the views of the Town Council, whose objection was based on the original application, not the watered down version which went to the panel on Monday and was then further watered down with additional conditions being applied to the licence. I would hope that they no longer feel that there are any genuine and reasonable grounds to object further and would hope that if challenged they would consider the views of the vast majority of Charlbury's 3000+ residents, who neither supported or objected to the application in the first place.

Edward Fenton

Sat 15 Jan 2011, 12:27

I was very torn over Cornbury Park?s original licence application. It seemed quite muddled, and I think it needed to be clarified. Now that this has been done, I?m glad that the revised application has been approved.

So I wonder if there is any way now for people in the town to express their support for Cornbury ? in case, for instance, a handful of opponents should mount a legal challenge against it. I?m sure we can achieve this while respecting each other?s views.

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