Threading in Charlbury website "inbox" (Admin discussions)

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 30 Aug 2011, 17:14

Just to say that there's now a simple threading link for each message: it shows you the message to which this is a reply. Not retrofitted to previous messages (because we didn't store this information) but should work from hereon.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 8 Jan 2011, 11:13

Moved to the admin board as that's where the website should be discussed. I'll have a think about it. The word "please" helps sometimes. ;)

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 8 Jan 2011, 00:32

I've been in a series of emails with someone from the website wanting information and I've noticed for the first time that one's outgoing mail is not echoed in the inbox log thus leaving one to try and remember what information one has already given leading to duplication and repetition! Can a cc/bcc be included in the inbox script so one can keep track of a series of posts as at the moment I only have the responses and further queries and no record of what I have already said!

Bit disruptive for someone used to threaded topics on mailing lists etc.

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