Speeding and driving (Debate)

chris emsden

Sun 25 Nov 2012, 10:45

I drive a 4x4, makes no difference, a bad driver is a bad driver whether they are in a Land Rover or a Mini! I have 2 Land Rovers, & drive 1000s of miles every week as a Lorry Driver in a Dangerous Goods Tanker, if you'd seen some of…

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Paul Taylor

Sat 25 Dec 2010, 18:21

Sorry same old thing I drove 1000 miles last week not in a 4x4 some times its best to drive in a high gear but low engine speed you then come up against some one who should have stayed at home and keep writing boring stuff (Sorry)

Charlotte Penn

Sat 25 Dec 2010, 00:24

I shall continue to put my head above the parapet and continue to expose those who drive dangerously. I don’t give a tinkers cuss or damn – to those who find this irritating.

So back on Woodstock road, I spotted in my wing mirror, head lights getting nearer and nearer…

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Charlotte Penn

Fri 24 Dec 2010, 17:24

Many thanks John for your kind words. It’s been really difficult for me to me – to have the guts to write these postings, as I’m aware that these postings are irritating to some. It’s also been impossible for the police to also give warnings on this forum, due to the ridiculous feedback. I have spoken to our fabulous Wesley Smith (our special constable) on a number of occasions regarding unsafe drivers, and they are aware of how bad – some drivers are.

Lets make – no bones about it – bad reckless drivers are potential killers.

I was once again tailgated coming into Charlbury, this afternoon, by a long fair-haired woman in an old blue car. There were two cars way ahead of me, driving sensibly. I gave them space, but this woman, just didn’t get it. I put the hazard lights, warning her to slow down and keep her distance, but she waved her hands with impatience and arrogance. It’s not just my life – it’s hers as well that could be ruined, by potentially not being able to stop in time at 30 mph on snow and ice - it’s takes many many yards to slow down. She could have crashed into the back of me. She could have ruined my life, and hers – forever, simply because she was impatient.

I will continue to post all bad driving, so take a deep breath and drive sensibly – PLEASE.

I too, as John - wish a safe and happy Christmas

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