Potholes in Hixet Wood

Brigid Sturdy

Fri 13 Sep 2024, 20:56

Thank you, Liz.

Liz Leffman
👍 2

Fri 13 Sep 2024, 17:10

I am very sorry to hear that you injured your foot, Brigid. I know the part of the road that you are referring to and will ask for that to be dealt with urgently

Brigid Sturdy
👍 1

Fri 13 Sep 2024, 16:29

This is a pedestrian problem, given the absence of a footway and the increasing width of cars.  On the left-hand side going downhill, close to the terraced cottages and opposite Stable Cottage and its downhill neighbour, is a succession of potholes. I carelessly stepped in one of these the other day, fell, twisted my ankle and broke two bones in my left foot.  

I understand that using FixMyStreet is the way to get such things mended, but I can't be certain of meeting their criteria.  They seem concerned only for wheeled traffic, not for pedestrians edging their way along a narrow street.  May I pass on this problem to someone who may be more competent to deal with it?

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