Just for information.

Charlotte Penn

Sat 18 Dec 2010, 12:58

If you’re unable to leave your house - to get food: please let me know and I can go and shop for you; or if you know of anyone, don’t hesitate to email me via this link.

Charlotte Penn

Sat 18 Dec 2010, 12:02

I braved the snow this morning, but was sent home by my master, an hour and a half later, when he arrived at work. It took him an hour coming from Chippie. When he arrived, he told me to go home immediately, otherwise I’d be stuck.

So, low and behold, we were dumped upon, four hours earlier than predicted. There was a queue of cars gridlocked trying to get into Woodstock, bearing south. A lorry was stuck going up the hill going north going out of Woodstock.

The Charlbury road was horrendous. My windscreen wipers couldn’t cope, and so hand out of the window - I had to scrape my windscreen. Mostly I saw 4x4s.

I certainly am not going to work tomorrow, unless there’s a snow plough coming. Luckily my master is understanding, saying just don’t come into work and don’t worry about it. I’m so glad to be home.

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Sat 18 Dec 2010, 09:20

Well the Snow has arrived so what better time to visit your local shops without having to drive miles to get you food and last minute gifts. Yes Charlbury really can help and not just in the adverse weather conditions but all year.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 21:14

Many thanks John – great website that shows snow tomorrow: ref Met. What’s the other website address, which shows snow coming at 2200hrs? Soz to be a pest. It makes such a difference to me about what plans to make, about getting to work.

John Dora

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 20:46

Try the Met Office 'Invent' page www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/pws/invent/weathermap/.

Another website I've seen shows snow here after 22.00. Their prediction is based on actual snow/ rain and the prevailing wind, and it's updated every 5 minutes.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 20:30

Thanks Harriet and Russell. More updates on when snow is coming locally around 22.00hrs would be great.

russell robson

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 20:01

Just seen more gritters! Coming from Chippy and onto the Burford Rd/Dyers Hill. Path covered with the stuff and lots in the hedgerow.

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 19:34

Charlotte, you don't want to be looking at weather for Chippy because it's higher up than we are and so always gets more snow.

The current Raintoday projections show it's quite possible for snow to be getting here after 22:00 (which is as far as it runs right now). But they're only projections and in 1 year of using the paid version I can tell you it is frequently wrong at a fine scale.

A gritter goes down the Slade at about 21:15-21:30 most nights.

Charlotte Penn

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 19:19

Derek, you’re a star. Thank you so much, for your update, very helpful.

The Metcheck.com, said this evening that’s not going to snow till tomorrow night, and just now says it’s going to snow tomorrow midday, with clear skies and sun! Ergh! One can never trust their calculations, alas, thus the concern!

Anyway, at least the roads aren’t that bad tonight and luckily the roads are relatively dry, so hopefully not too much ice, in the morning.

Derek Collett

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 18:44

Charlotte: according to the very useful Rain Today? website (www.raintoday.com)there is very little chance of further snow this evening. It's going to be perishingly cold though!

Charlotte Penn

Fri 17 Dec 2010, 16:03

Thanks Russell, for your update on the gritters. This morning's roads weren't as bad as I was expecting. I'm just praying that we don't get the snow tonight. I hear that Banbury had heavy snow earlier, and I can't believe that the suns still shining over Charlbury. I also really hope that we get some grit on our roads tonight, there were black ice patches this afternoon. And, I hear that it did try to snow here earlier.

If anyone has updates on when and if we are due snow tonight, that would be really appreciated, and info on the gritters. Many thanks in advance.

russell robson

Thu 16 Dec 2010, 19:39

I have just come in at 18.56, and have seen three gritters on various routes through Charlbury. One going towards Burford, one at Endstone crossroads and one going past Wellington Cottages.

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