Update, Figs and Speakers!

Chloe Horner
👍 8

Sat 31 Aug, 09:35

Hi Everyone

I hope you've all had a good summer.  I have posted some info about our re-opening next week in the 'News' section.  We can't wait to welcome you back and open our doors next week.

In the meantime I have a couple of asks...

FIGS!  Do you have a ripening/ripened load of figs in your garden you're not using/going to use?  Please do get in touch and I'll happy to come and pick and shout you something at the shop in exchange.  Indeed, whilst we have a tonne of apples, any other gluts are worth getting in touch with me about!

INSPIRATION!  I have been planning monthly long-table gathering at Chloe's for a while and have finally settled on a formula.  This would be a set, low-price dinner with a couple of speakers from the Charlbury/Chloe's community on a Wednesday evening.  Each speaker would chat for 10 minutes about their area of passion or expertise - this could be anyone from a local farmer talking about their work to someone introducing their for a specific musician/filmmaker/author - the key is a depth of knowledge and lots of enthusiasm.  The idea would be that you could come alone, or with a friend/partner (not in large groups) and the talks would provide a catalyst for talk, discussion and community interaction.  I have a few speakers in the pipe-line, but if anyone immediately springs to mind do drop me a line.

One of the best things about running the shop so far is meeting and becoming friends with whole new mix of our Charlbury community and we'd love to try and pass that joy on to others.

Thanks everyone and see you soon!


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