New Saturday Morning Bootcamp Coming Sept 14th 2024

Dave Heywood
👍 1

Sat 31 Aug, 12:09

Count me in!

Christopher Cochrane
👍 3

Thu 29 Aug, 16:17

Hi team 

Some of you know me as the guy that subs in for Jason's Circuit Classes on Sundays and Thursdays at the Community Centre, while he jet setting around the world! 

I am excited to announce that I will starting a Saturday Morning Bootcamp starting September 14th at the Community Centre 8am. 

Get it done while everyone else is asleep!

Saturday Bootcamps are about getting it done early so you can enjoy the weekend without feeling guilty!
We are going to work hard, with intensity and efficiency to get the most effective workout on a Saturday morning ever created.
This is a heart pumping, fat burning, muscle toning, sweat dripping, DNA changing workout to get your weekends kick started in the right way!

Pay on the door or to book a place email:

Check out.

- Chris 

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