Medical Centre AED is missing

Hannen Beith

Thu 29 Aug, 22:48

My experience of falling over in Charlbury is that people do just that.  Walk on by.  Fortunately I had my mobile phone with me and was able to call 999.  

7 times last year - in A&E thanks to the ambulance.

There's little point in having training if you're not going to put it into action.  Some humanity would be good. 

Helen Holwill
👍 2

Thu 29 Aug, 18:05

In addition to this specific training, might there also be the possibility of running a general First Aid course at the community centre? 

Rachel Brushfield
👍 7

Tue 27 Aug, 19:28

Well done for making an amazing difference to a man who could have died. It must have been moving and very scary. How lucky was he that he had people there to help, trained, rather than just walking on by on a Bank Holiday weekend. Hope he is okay. 

I attended a CPR training session at Charlbury Community Centre this year. I will re-read my notes. 

This post has reminded me about how important this is. Easy not to bother attending, and so important that we do. 

Michael Flanagan
👍 2

Tue 27 Aug, 18:41


I had to duck out of last year's defib classes, and I'd really welcome the opportunity to take one over the next few months.

Living somewhere with relatively many defibs, and even more potential users (and, like many, being a potential user myself), I'm often worried I'll find myself with a real victim, a working defib - and absolutely no idea how to make the machine work.

Russell Ingham
👍 4

Tue 27 Aug, 15:05

Hans - That's very good news indeed. At the request of the Charlbury Patient Particip Gp we ran two defib awareness and practice sessions in the Charlbury Community Centre last year with training aids loaned from the ambulance service. I am sure that we can run another session or two over the winter months if there is the demand for I for one am very keen to get the message out into the public domain. 

Hans Eriksson
👍 3

Tue 27 Aug, 12:43

We were lucky as there was a dentist and his wife both fully trained in CPR plus a lifeguard also turned up. The chap was stone cold and very blue in the face. He seemed to recover somewhat with the CPR and mouth to mouth. Ambulances arrived after 15 minutes and they treated him on site for another 20 minutes before they put him in the ambulance. At that time he was breathing by himself. 

This was all very moving for all of us. The takeaway for me is that I'd like some defribbilator training. Can that be organised in charlbury?

Russell Ingham
👍 3

Tue 27 Aug, 11:51

Hans - VMT for your info. Sth Cen Ambulance and the 999 call-handlers are on the case and hopefully it will turn up. As for the church, well, a bit of a puzzle as seemingly the 999 service was not aware that it had been accessed as they did not give out the cabinet lock codes. Anyway, the church can re-instate its kit quite quickly; the Med Cen one is more of a worry. AEDs are there to be used and well done to all those that responded, it takes courage and compassion; I hope that it was successful.

Hans Eriksson
👍 1

Tue 27 Aug, 11:28

There was a man lying on the Spelsbury Rd looking like he was about to die at about 5pm on Sunday, people were rushing about trying to get defibrillators from where they could. I don't know what happened to these and I don't know whe these people were, we were acting as fast as we could to save the guy. There was a crew of about 8 ambulance people and doctors on the scene plus 6 or so police men, the police interviewed most of us and took down details.

Patrick Gallagher

Tue 27 Aug, 10:10

This is odd. St Mary's defibrillator was also removed from its container but left on the grass below it. See my email to you.


Russell Ingham

Tue 27 Aug, 09:40

I have been informed by the National Authority that the town's AED (heart defibrillator) on the wall of the Medical Centre might have been used on Sunday 25 Aug.  Today, its cabinet is  empty. Can anyone suggest where it might have been used or better still as to where it might be now so that I can refurbish it and make it available again? In the meantime, the nearest AEDs are (1) Fiveways Store, (2) Fire Station, (3) the private AED in nursery hours at "Little Monkeys". Other AEDs are at St Marys church, the railway station and the Railway Children nursery.

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