Does anyone have an old piano keyboard?

Valerie Stewart

Mon 26 Aug, 00:33 (last edited on Mon 26 Aug, 00:42)

Hello Bryanna,

I may know someone, but do you want the full 88 keys or the shorter version?  And does it have to have a stand? 

Bryanna Bone

Sun 25 Aug, 22:50

Hi all,

I have been wanting to get a keyboard to play piano on for over two years and I just can’t seem to save up for it with immigration fees and my car breaking down and going back to uni… there’s always something! I have performed at local open mics and fundraisers (borrowing others to practice with) and used to perform at pubs and festivals for a living, back in Canada. I have recently just really desired to start playing again properly, for my own mental health, but I’m in no shape to buy one.

If anyone knows of anyone who may have an old keyboard that’s collecting dust somewhere and would like to give it away or lend it for an indiscriminate amount of time or sell it for cheap, etc, please let me know.

Number is 07949 732272


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