Tai Chi for the Over 50’s

Jeremy J Smyth
👍 1

Sun 25 Aug, 14:18

Following the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai Chi and Qigong seek to restore and regulate the flow of Qi (Vital energy) and blood. This is achieved through a combination of mindfulness, correct postural alignment, relaxation and deep abdominal breathing. A specialised form of effortless movement, called Chansijin (also known as Silk-Reeling) is learnt which unifies and integrates the entire body-mind. The primary aim is to develop one’s ‘Internal Strength’ in order to enjoy an enduring and healthy life.

Wednesdays 11.15 - 12.15

Charlbury Methodist Church, Fisher’s lane.

12 week term beginning 18th September.

Contact: Alan 07971 261696 or email: taichialan@gmail.com

Website: www.threetreasurestaiji.co.uk

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