Charlbury Chinwag - Senior Citizen Lunch Launch 10th Sep

Tom Williams

Tue 27 Aug, 11:37

If any guests are unsure about whether or not you they will like the menu. Please feel free to email us at and we can add you to our guest list without having to pay for your ticket straight away. 

Tom Williams

Fri 23 Aug, 11:24

The Lunch menu will be released 2 days prior and has a capacity of 20 guests.  

Tom Williams
👍 1

Thu 22 Aug, 16:21

Please email if you would like to come to future Chinwags. 

Tom Williams
👍 1

Thu 22 Aug, 15:39 (last edited on Thu 22 Aug, 16:20)

Join local seniors in the Secret Garden Room for a two-course lunch, with a main dish and dessert, plus tea or coffee. It’s a chance to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and enjoy good company in the heart of Charlbury.

From 12:30pm every second Tuesday of the month starting on the 10th September, with a different menu each month. Please click the link below to buy at ticket (£29 including service charge), if you have any further questions please email

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