Railway Station Thank you

Brian Murray
👍 9

Thu 22 Aug, 14:22

Your comment is very good to read Suzanne and, as the Cotswold Line Promotion Group committee member for Charlbury, I shall draw it to the attention of Mark Hopwood, the CEO of Great Western. It took a long time to find and train a new permanent member of staff to enable the re-opening of the ticket office and CLPG is so pleased to have Carl working at Charlbury.

Mark Sulik
👍 2

Thu 22 Aug, 13:55

Much needed and very overdue. 

Suzanne Chavda
👍 10

Thu 22 Aug, 12:01

Not a regular train user I have just had a very positive experience at the ticket office.  A big “Thank you” to both of the chaps who were very patient with my many questions.  How wonderful to actually be able to speak face to face 

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