Our community Deli and cafe

Rod Evans
👍 2

Wed 21 Aug, 10:35

Our thanks go to Stephen for all his input over his 3+ years as Chair.

I hope all shareholders have already had notice of the meeting on 05/09 from our Shareholder News of 26/07/24, either by email or by picking up a copy from the Deli.  We do indeed have much to discuss and I expect to have a report out to shareholders by the end of the month. 

As previously mentioned, if we don't already have an email address for you it would also be immensely helpful if you could forward it either via the forum or here: info@charlburydeli.cafe.

Meanwhile of course, don't forget to call in for coffee and whatever takes your fancy!

Stephen Bubb
👍 3

Mon 19 Aug, 14:41

After three years, the official term for a director of the deli. I have stepped down as chair and handed the reigns to Rod Evans who will do a wonderful job for us all. There is a very important meeting of the shareholders of the DeLyon September 5 at 6 pm in the Quaker meeting house. Will be talking about the future so good if all shareholders are able to come– if you haven’t had a notice about the meeting and you are a shareholder do get in touch with Lynne or NIck when you are in the deli next ; the meeting is shareholders only 

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