Charlbury Community Works! heroes....

Steven Fairhurst Jones
👍 9

Sun 18 Aug, 20:31

Many thanks also to you Liz, for making the plan and putting the work in yourself as well. It’s made a big difference!

I know other town councillors have said they’ll help tackle overgrown paths elsewhere in town too, which I’m sure will inspire more volunteers to give a bit of time, or even just lend a green waste bin or compost heap.

Liz Reason
👍 32

Sun 18 Aug, 14:29

Thank you so much to Kathryn, Steven and Elaine from Hill Close who joined me this morning for 2.5 hours to start ensuring the The Slade footpath is returned to its original width - around 8' - so that those going back and forth from school towards Londis have room for a buggy, parent and child. It is amazing how much soil had accumulated on both sides of the pavement creating a generous planting seedbeds for lots of plants, but narrowing the pavement by several feet. Thanks also to Fergus and Helen who let us use a dark corner of their garden to put the large amount of soil and leaf mould that we cleared too - having filled three green waste bins.

It would be nice for these heroes to get a bit of applause please! 

And all residents are invited to become CCW! heroes, to look after the space outside your own homes.

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