Seeking ideas for wheelchair-friendly walks and picnic spot

Tony Graeme
👍 2

Sun 18 Aug, 15:04

The short walk which Claire refers to was ‘created’ by Cotswolds Voluntary Wardens as part of their 50th Anniversary ‘Walks on Wheels’ project in 2018. There is also access from the car parking area at the Bowls Club where there is a kissing gate and beside it a field gate. The kissing gate was enlarged to take at least a decent size buggy but is probably too small for a full sized wheelchair. The field gate though is closed with a RADAR lock to allow access to anyone with a suitable key. This allows a ‘mini circuit’ between there and gate above the playground.

When planning for ‘Walks on Wheels’, it was quite difficult to find locations which were not either too difficult and / or too costly, but if anyone has suggestions for possible locations suitable for other such walks I am sure the could be considered for the future.

Claire Wilding
👍 1

Sat 17 Aug, 17:09

This isnt really a walk but there’s a wheelchair accessible gate at the end of Ticknell Piece Road with a path leading to a wheelchair friendly picnic table on the field.  

The Playing Close is wheelchair accessible on the east side.

The Mill Field has a wheelchair accessible gate, but getting up/down Dyers Hill might not be the easiest depending on type of wheelchair and strength of pushers!

Aislinn Laing
👍 1

Sat 17 Aug, 09:22 (last edited on Sat 17 Aug, 09:22)

Good morning! I'm seeking ideas for wheelchair-friendly walks and picnic places. Have some ideas from accessibility websites but would be super grateful for some tips from Charlbury locals. Thanks! 

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