May Gurney Rubbish Collectors

Kat Patrick

Sat 11 Dec 2010, 18:14

Maybe it's Charlie's particular collectors, because I've noticed a big difference in the ones up Ditchley Road -- not so much loose rubbish everywhere on bin day, and my recycling boxes are now neatly stacked inside one another with the bin lids stacked inside the top one. These used to be scattered willy-nilly across my drive.

russell robson

Mon 6 Dec 2010, 19:02

The saving is based on the reduction in landfill payments and increased income from recycled materials in the form of recycling credits.

I have to say we have the least time consuming recycling initiative I have heard of.

Gerry Alcock

Mon 6 Dec 2010, 17:49

WODC are saving £600,000 a year with their new contract. 'nuff said?

Charlie M

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 22:46

Errr ... is it not rather surprising that the previous bin men collected rubbish for some years in an efficient and tidy manner (at least here)? It is nothing to do with "hard conditions"! Either they are capable of collecting rubbish efficiently and tidily ... or they are NOT.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 19:05

May I remind the honourable members that we try not to call people names on this forum - cheers. (Title edited.)

Paul Taylor

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 18:22

Sorry you need to get out more. They are doing a hard job in bad conditions all you want to do is moan I don't think they are the Idiots Here are they.

Charlie M

Thu 2 Dec 2010, 17:04

I wonder if anyone else has had issues with our rubbish collection over the last few weeks? I have had to make complaints for two out of the last three weeks.
Two weeks ago I arrived home to find that my bin had been left at the bottom of my lawn (I leave it at the other end of my lawn, on the pavement), with about 4-5 bags of very smelly rubbish deposited in it. It looked as if the binmen had used my bin to collect up rubbish from elsewhere. After my complaint, the bin was emptied the next day.
Then this week I found that the partial contents of my "eco-box" (including an old foot-pump and a plastic milk carton) were strewn across my lawn. So far, after 4 phone calls to WODC, no one has returned to clear up the mess.
I understand that rubbish collection is now done by a different company called May Gurney. I think that WODC needs to cancel this new contract as soon as possible, and find an organisation that is actually capable of doing the job that our hard-earned council taxes go to pay for. I do not expect this level of incompetence.

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