Oxfordshire streets among the UK's best to live on

Charlie M
👍 5

Sat 20 Jul, 11:07

Many years ago, when I worked for Solid State Logic, there was a poster up on the wall that read "Change is certain ... Progress is not". 

I find this very applicable to what has happened to Charlbury in recent years. 😢

Claire Wilding
👍 4

Sat 20 Jul, 10:28

That’s not really a list of the best places to live though is it - the Royal Crescent, Bath? Rock in Cornwall? It’s a list of places that sound good to someone in London. 

Church Street is beautiful but kids can’t play out in the road like they can on my street.

Wendy Bailey
👍 16

Sat 20 Jul, 09:19

Perhaps we should remember why we chose to live here? so why shouldn't others do the same, we are lucky to live in a beautiful town. We all take photos when we visit other places so why shouldn't visitors take photos here?  

Birgit den Outer
👍 7

Sat 20 Jul, 08:01

Oh gawd...cue more tourists taking selfies.

Michael Flanagan
👍 3

Sat 20 Jul, 07:02

The point that matters to most Charlburians ISN'T that a Daily Mail piece of "research" includes two Oxfordshire streets (our Church St and Chadlington Rd in Oxford's Park Town. Or did it mean Charlbury Rd?) in its list of Britain's 30 "best streets to live in". It's that, in a county awash with really nice streets, our Church St came out as the nicest rural Oxfordshire street some people (OK: estate agents) think there is.

Nicer than anywhere in Burford, Bampton, Woodstock or any of those other places whose residents carry on in the delusion they're really, really nice places to live. We've known for yonks how deluded they are (and most of us are frankly baffled at the basis for listing streets in Sutton Coldfield, Sevenoaks or Brentwood alongside us). But even if we live somewhere else in Charlbury, it's reassuring (and financially beneficial) to remind potential buyers that together with our railway station, our Riverside, Wilderness and Beer Festivals, our Michelin-listed restaurants, our absence of a Tory MP, and our now 7-days a week bus connections, we've got the Daily Mail-endorsed nicest street in rural Oxfordshire. 

Because local estate agents most certainly will anyway.

Matthew Greenfield

Fri 19 Jul, 18:44

Just came across this ha, ha:


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