GREEN HOME SCHEMES Solar Panel Letter - real or scam?

Malcolm Blackmore

Wed 17 Jul, 18:21

We smell a rat. We've just had a letter to "The Householder" with roof Photo-voltaic Panels fitted under the FIT scheme for electricity feed-in about a Grant scheme to take advantage of a £4000 grant with the "Green Homes Scheme" to replace our array of 250watt Solar Panels with "new tier one 435watt panels".

Looking with a magnifying glass at the very small white text on light green background I can see no sign of an imprimatur from any Government body. And no publishers details, address or company details etc - apart from an email address - (If I recall correctly publications are required to give more than just an email).

Anyone else received these letters - and anyone know anything about a grant being suddenly magicked into existence on an exact coincidence of a little bit greenish Kings Speech? 

And as far as I know from something read in the science press a year or so back, doubling PV panel output is only being seen as possible by use of  bilayer Silicon and Perovskite material panels - and Perovskites are still very much in the development and prototype implementation stage and an Oxford based company is doing trials ...

Anyone with a "hardened" web browser and computer been to have a look at the website? My Linux laptop died and I'm now feeling too suspicious in case of a booby-trapped Malware website to want to take a look. OK just because you are paranoid doesn't mean to say the b******* aren't out to get you...

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