Congratulations to our new MP

Emily Algar
👍 1

Sun 7 Jul, 10:18

If you didn't stay up on Thursday and missed it, you can watch our new MP's speech here.

Clarrie Haynes
👍 11

Sat 6 Jul, 17:44

As a close friend and colleague of Brian Hodgson I think it very fitting that Sean is chairing the Memorial Lecture. Brian was always adamant that one day Labour would win Banbury, so convinced that he persuaded the Party to have Banbury on the Michael Foot itinerary in the in the 1983 Election. He would be a very happy man today.

Congratulation to Nick and Lou Johnson for their amazing organisation of the Labour push in Charlbury and the local villages.  

Malcolm Blackmore

Sat 6 Jul, 16:46 (last edited on Sun 7 Jul, 11:34)

Sean chairing this lecture himself is commendable (I misread the original post without reading glasses on! Doh) , but even Straw might have some very pertinent things to say about taking over from generational periods of hegemony and immunity. For such is the fate of the handful of new historical LP governments on takeover after systematic asset-stripping by an unproductive financier elite.

I knew Brian from decades before we moved our young family to town very well from earlier deep involvements in efforts to bring change . Was quite upset that he passed away before we could get here, would have liked to see him. He had a strong influence upon myself as a young man.

Charlie M
👍 8

Sat 6 Jul, 16:08

I knew Brian Hodgson; it is wonderful to see him remembered and honoured in this way. He was the definition of how a good local politician should operate. Maybe one day someone will take over where he left off.

Nick Johnson
👍 15

Sat 6 Jul, 08:47

Next Friday (12th)  at 8.00 in Chipping Norton Town Hall, Sean Woodcock (unless there are other duties!) will be chairing the BRIAN HODGSON MEMORIAL LECTURE. This will be given by Jack Straw and entitled "Pitfalls of Power- Lessons for a new Labour Government" Jack was in Cabinet for the whole of the last Labour Government  and this is a unique opportunity for a thoughtful discussion of where the newly elected Government should go.

People of all political persuasions are very welcome. The event is sponsored by the local Labour Party branch and is FREE.  There will, however, be a collection in aid of branch funds as, after the election, we are flat broke.

Sean Woodcock
👍 43

Fri 5 Jul, 19:01


I just want to say 'thank you' to everyone in Charlbury who voted for me in the General Election. You voted for change and I know that is what I must deliver.

And to those who did not vote for me, I will work just as hard for you in Westminster as for everyone else.

Do get in touch with me if there is anything that I can do to serve you.

All the best,

Sean Woodcock

Matthew Greenfield
👍 16

Fri 5 Jul, 18:08 (last edited on Fri 5 Jul, 18:10)

Yes huge congratulations to Sean Woodcock and the amazing campaigning team who helped get him elected. You could definitely see how hard they were working to make it happen.

Also, big congratulations to the Liberal Democrats across the county. Incredible achievement that they won all the other Oxfordshire rural constituencies including, almost unbelievably, Witney. It may be a crazy electoral system but you have to work with what you've got so tactical voting was important. Ironically the Lib Dems have almost a proportional amount of MPs in relation to their popular vote.

I have really enjoyed reading Oxford Clarion these past few weeks (thank you Richard for the tip). I liked this snippet today from their awards blog under "Surprise Performance in a Hustings":

"Honourable mention goes to Banbury’s Cassi Bellingham for having a remarkably good go at turning the genteel liberals of Charlbury into blood-red socialists."

Nick Johnson
👍 13

Fri 5 Jul, 14:20

Yes it was a slow count. In fact Banbury is the 15th largest constituency by area, so it's not surprising. Thanks for the heads up Richard. The main campaign strategists were under 25 and it was fascinating to be in the middle of a digitally based campaign. We still needed people though. Lots of volunteers came from Oxford to support our team to assist the dedicated team here. I clocked up over 24000 steps door knocking! Feeling my age today.

Nicola Leyland

Fri 5 Jul, 14:10

@Charlie M that's good to know, thank you. Such a similar name too!

Gareth Epps
👍 5

Fri 5 Jul, 13:14

That was a very long and slow election count….. (as indeed was Witney).

Congratulations to Sean and all Oxfordshire’s MPs.

Charlie M
👍 5

Fri 5 Jul, 13:01

Nicola, as far as I know he is the first elected MP for Charlbury. Sean Woodward was elected as a Tory, but then crossed the floor. (He was then known as "The only Labour MP who had a butler".)

Liz Leffman
👍 34

Fri 5 Jul, 08:53 (last edited on Fri 5 Jul, 08:56)

Congratulations to Sean, for a well run and successful campaign.  I look forward to working closely with him and our county's other MPs. And well done to our Lib Dem team just over the border in Witney who have liberated our former constituency of Robert Courts!

Nicola Leyland
👍 14

Fri 5 Jul, 08:38

Amazing news, I did wonder if Sean Woodcock had become the first ever Labour MP for Charlbury, what an opportunity for a breath of fresh air.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)
👍 26

Fri 5 Jul, 07:29

Absolutely – Labour worked the constituency really hard and it was a textbook case of how to run a campaign. Fully deserved for those volunteers pounding the streets day after day. I don't think I ever saw the Conservatives work as hard in Charlbury as Labour did yesterday.

And congratulations too to Charlbury’s own Gareth Epps for being one of the masterminds behind the campaign that saw Calum Miller elected in Bicester & Woodstock, one of four LibDem gains in the county.

Emily Algar
👍 27

Fri 5 Jul, 07:20 (last edited on Fri 5 Jul, 07:21)

A massive congratulations to Sean! He took on the Attorney General and won. And to all the volunteers who helped knock on doors, leaflet and ring people up. It feels so good to be red!

Congratulations to Calum Miller in Bicester & Woodstock and Charlie Maynard in Witney. 

Not a Tory MP in Oxfordshire.

Christopher Tatton
👍 29

Fri 5 Jul, 07:14

Oxfordshire now Tory Free, with 5 Lib Dem MPs and 2 Labour MPs. 😁

Big congratulations to Sean on winning the Banbury seat. 

Liz Puttick
👍 29

Fri 5 Jul, 07:03

Many congratulations to Sean Woodcock, the new MP for Banbury, Chipping Norton and Charlbury who won with a majority of 18,468 votes, over 3000 ahead of the Conservatives. This is a historic occasion, the first Labour MP in the constituency and a great victory for progressive values.

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