Postal Voting Papers delayed and Proxy Voting

Christine Battersby

Wed 26 Jun, 12:02

Last day when a person can apply for a Proxy Vote: application needs to be completed online before 5pm. 

"You can get someone else to vote on your behalf (a proxy) if you cannot go to the polling station in person."

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Tue 25 Jun, 22:11

Sarah, If you click on the Banbury link in my last post, you will see that the postal voting forms were sent out in stages, depending on when the application was received. 

The earliest ones for those in the UK were sent out around June 18th. And, indeed, Matthew received his form on Friday 21st. 

Sarah Geeson Brown

Tue 25 Jun, 20:00

Christine, we applied for postal votes and the form said quite clearly that they wouldn't be issued until June 25th or shortly after. That's why the Charlbury resident didn't get hers by 22nd.

Matthew Greenfield
👍 1

Mon 24 Jun, 17:21

Many thanks Christine. I think I will just post mine as it seems more straight forward!

Christine Battersby
👍 2

Mon 24 Jun, 16:13 (last edited on Mon 24 Jun, 16:18)

Matthew, the procedure for handing in postal votes has now also changed, because of the new secrecy rules imposed by the Government. Postal votes can be handed in at both the Polling Station or the Electoral Registration Office (Bodicote House, Banbury, OX15 4AA), but in both cases a form will need to be completed and handed in, and the receiving officer also needs to sign it.

"Anyone handing in postal votes will need to complete a postal vote return form. The person handing in the postal vote(s) will need to complete the form with their name, address and the reason for handing in other people’s postal votes (where appropriate). They will also need to complete a declaration that they are not handing in more than the permitted number, and that they are not a political campaigner.

If the form is not completed with all the required information, or to the authorised officer’s satisfaction, the postal vote(s) will be rejected. Rejected postal votes will not be included in the count. After the election, the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) will write to electors who have had their postal votes rejected, telling them why.

Political campaigners will be banned from handling postal votes, except where the postal vote is their own, that of a close family member, or someone they provide regular care for. They are not banned from handling postal votes if they do so in the course of their usual duties (for example, if they work for Royal Mail)."

Further information for the Banbury Constituency here: 

NB I see there that "We are allowed to issue a replacement postal vote, but not until Friday 28 June at the earliest. If you have not received your postal vote pack by 28 June, please contact us and we can arrange for a replacement. Please note we are only allowed to issue a replacement up to 5pm on 4 July."

Matthew Greenfield
👍 3

Mon 24 Jun, 15:30

Our postal votes arrived Friday 21st June so it seems very unfortunate that the Charlbury residents you spoke to had not received theirs in time.

The postal vote application deadline has now passed but, as you say Christine, you can still apply for a Proxy Vote before 5pm this Wednesday 26th June. ("You can get someone else to vote on your behalf (a proxy) if you cannot go to the polling station in person.")

I don't know why there is not more publicity nationally about these deadlines. You would think that maybe the government are not too keen on people voting?

Everyone will also need to show a photo ID when they vote in person (eg a driving licence or passport). There is more information here on acceptable forms of ID. There are many more options for older voters (why is that I wonder?). If you don't have an acceptable ID then you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate with the deadline for that also before 5pm this Wednesday 26th June. You may want to check with younger voters you know that they have their ID sorted and to hand for July 4th.

Has anyone handed their postal vote into the polling station in Charlbury on polling day before? If so, is it a straight forward process?

Christine Battersby
👍 1

Mon 24 Jun, 15:00

In conversation with a Charlbury resident who has now gone away for a few weeks, I was dismayed to learn that her postal voting form and that of her husband hadn't arrived by 22 June, and that they had reluctantly decided that they would now be unable to vote. 

I did talk to the person about applying for a proxy vote instead (deadline to apply is 26 June), but she felt it was too much trouble and had reluctantly decided not use her vote. 

It would be interesting to know if other people in Charlbury have had the same problem. If so, they might like to look at how to apply for proxy voting here:

Those involved in political campaigning are now forbidden by law to touch the postal vote of anyone except close family or those for whom they act as regular carers, so this is not something that campaigners can help with, except through providing general advice. 

I suspect the person concerned would vote for a different candidate than I would, so this is a general query, rather than one to do with getting out support for a particular candidate.

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