Charlbury now comes under Banbury Constiuency

Charlie M
👍 6

Tue 25 Jun, 12:51 (last edited on Tue 25 Jun, 12:58)

I would assume that her words to the new king after her 7 weeks in power were something along the lines of 
"Lettuce now thy servant depart in peace".

Matt Bullock
👍 4

Tue 25 Jun, 11:47

I think Lynne Truss was the longer-lasting lettuce.

Andrew Chapman
👍 18

Mon 24 Jun, 18:47

A pedant notes: I don't think Lynne Truss was ever PM. Though I guess Liz Truss's tenure could be described as 'eats, shoots and leaves' maybe?

Michael Flanagan
👍 6

Mon 24 Jun, 17:25 (last edited on Tue 25 Jun, 08:11)

Here's a related fact that few know.

Charlbury was represented in the 18th century at Westminster by Lord Frederick North, the MP for Banbury - who was PM from 1770 to 1782 and probably would rival Liz Truss (thanks for spotting, Andrew) as the most inept PM in history, except that he survived in power a lot longer, so almost certainly piled more cockups into his premiership than anyone else. 

But among his mis-steps that some see as a failure was the surrendering away of the US.  And had we kept them, we'd have spent the next century dealing with even more calls for independence, and unfriendly European powers would probably have annexed lots of North America, and all of that probably meant that, without North's incompetence, we'd eventually not had the US to fall back on during a later crisis. So North probably did less damage to the country, net, than the next Charlbury representative in No 10, David "Call me Dave" Cameron.

But there's clearly a serious moral at work here:

  • Making the Charlbury MP the PM is always bad for Britain's health. And for that MP's immediate career prospects. 

Liz, Victoria and Sean: be very careful what you wish for. 

Matthew Greenfield
👍 6

Sun 23 Jun, 21:12 (last edited on Sun 23 Jun, 21:22)

I don't blame you Alex! Rachael has explained it very well in just a few sentences so no need to read all those posts. I didn't know that Charlbury used to be in the Banbury constituency until the 1970s...

Rachael Gibbon
👍 5

Sun 23 Jun, 20:37 (last edited on Sun 23 Jun, 21:33)

Hi Alex,

 Chipping Norton, Charlbury and the surrounding villages are now included in the Banbury constituency.

Apparently it's actually a homecoming, as some people have pointed out, Charlbury was part of rhe Banbury constituency until the early 1970s, before I was around,  in more than one sense.

The upshot is that come 5th July the greatest  likelihood is we'll either have a Labour or a Tory MP. Right now it seems to be very much hanging in the balance, meaning every vote will count, so pick which you would prefer!

Alex Flynn
👍 1

Sun 23 Jun, 20:22

Thanks but I think I’ll give it a miss…

Matthew Greenfield
👍 4

Sun 23 Jun, 20:00 (last edited on Sun 23 Jun, 20:01)

Alex, check out "Boundary changes for our constituency" in the Debate section. Only 127 postings to read...

Alex Flynn

Sun 23 Jun, 19:07

Mods please edit the word "constituency" please

Alex Flynn

Sun 23 Jun, 19:06

What happened to Witney?

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