Hustings (Debate)

Emily Algar
👍 8

Sun 23 Jun, 11:51

If you want a change of MP in Charlbury and a change of government, then the choice has never been more obvious. 

Charlie M
👍 2

Sat 22 Jun, 11:56

I seem to recall that Once on "Have I Got News For You", one of the guest contestants was a Tub of Lard. I am sure that such a personage (?) would be a  more effective (and certainly less offensive) candidate for the Deform Party than the encumbent!

Gareth Epps
👍 1

Sat 22 Jun, 08:40

The Reform candidate in Bicester is the chair of the UK branch of the Donald Trump Appreciation Society (strange but true!).

I must have missed the ad for his masterclass in Trumpian logic in Charlbury.  Evidently others didn’t.

Liz Leffman
👍 8

Sat 22 Jun, 08:33 (last edited on Sat 22 Jun, 08:43)

Emily, you really do yourself and your party no favours with this comment. As Sean Woodcock can't make the hustings in Banbury next week, who do you propose should stand in for him? Or should he just leave a void? Or send his fridge? (you probably won't get that last comment but others of, shall we say, greater maturity than you might)

It was a very good hustings, very well organised, and extremely well moderated by Fergus who excelled himself with his numerical capablity in getting the order right each time.  Thank you to the organisers for making this a vey good evening

Emily Algar
👍 7

Fri 21 Jun, 21:52 (last edited on Fri 21 Jun, 21:57)

L-R: Climate Party, Labour, LD (though the actual candidate was MIA), our Vicar, Tory, Socialist Independent, Deform and Green.

A lively discussion with some great questions and mostly, albeit woolly answers. Disappointing that the LD candidate Liz Adams was unable to attend. I've heard she is "the only principled choice for Charlbury"... I'm also sure it wasn't deliberate that the LD's rolled out a very local and very well known LD representative to play to the crowd.... Make of that what you will.

Thank you for Churches Together for organsing!

Mark Luntley
👍 4

Fri 21 Jun, 21:45

A quick note of thanks for the organisers and all participants at tonight's completely packed hustings. 

I was impressed by several candidates, and that much unified them in spite of the inevitable disagreements.  

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